Context Clues
Main Ideas

It was an idyllic day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park.

Perfect or ideal


The tow truck took the car into the mechanic's garage. The owner of the car followed. The mechanic used his equipment to lift the car. "What do you think happened to the tire?" the man asked. In response, the mechanic held up a nail. "Oh," the man said. "I see." How did the tire go flat?

What is "The tire went flat because the man had driven over a nail."


When a character is revealed by descriptive details

What is Direct characterization?


The act of keeping people of different races separated.

What is segregation?


State the Main Idea: Different rocks are used in different ways. The way a rock is used depends on its color, feel, shine and hardness. For example, some rocks, such as granite and marble, are both hard and beautiful. They are used for buildings and monuments. Another type of rocks, graphite is soft and dark. It is used in lead pencils.

What is different rocks are used in different ways.


I believe if you lower taxes so people can keep more money that they earn, it will be an incentive for them to work harder.

A reason to do something 


I can swim in the water Or jump in the air, No one can catch me, No one would dare I hop with webbed feet, To my very own beat, I eat flies from the sky, When my tongue swings up high, Who Am I?

What is a frog?


When a character is revealed by what she does or says

What is indirect characterization


To publicly support a cause cause or an issue.

What is advocate?


Give the main idea of the passage: The peanut is a humble plant with hundreds of functions. Most peanuts are roasted in their shells and lightly salted. About half the peanuts eaten in the United States are ground into a thick paste called peanut butter. The rich oil made from peanuts is good for frying foods and is used for oiling machines and making soaps and paint. Even peanut shells are used to make plastics and to fertilize soil.

What is the many uses of peanuts.


The mother bathed the baby in the tepid water.

What is lukewarm?


Josh woke up early on Sunday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to him and said, "It is a perfect day, don't forget to bring a towel!" Where were Josh and his dad going?

What is the beach?


Sha'niquewa wears long skirts with tennis shoes. She prefers dark colors because they do't get dirty easily.

What is direct characterization?


A learning disability that affects a person's reading ability.

What is dyslexia?


Give the Main Idea of the passage: Helen and Ann were best friends. They liked to do many activities together. In the summer, they both like to go swimming in the ocean and to build sandcastles. In the winter they went ice-skating on the pond by their school. Their favorite thing to do together was to ride horses in the meadow near their homes.

What is Helen and Ann like to do the same things.


The policeman arrested the man for flagrantly disobeying the speed limit.

What is obviously?


"Fire!", I yelled. "There's a fire in the bathroom" I screamed. After a moment I thought to myself, Why wasn't anyone answering me? or coming out of there class rooms?. So I yelled again "Fire,Fire!". Still no answer. I decided to get help but when I tried to run it felt like I was going so slow. The doors to all the classrooms where moving further away. All of a sudden I heard an alarm going off. Infer what the person is doing

What is dreaming?


What are the words the character is saying?

What is dialog?


What is the definition of insubordinate? 

What is Disobedient to orders or Defiant to authority.


State the Main Idea of the passage: It takes more than food to make babies grow up to be healthy and happy. If babies are not patted and hugged, they grow more slowly and are less healthy. Also they will not be as smart or happy when they become adults. Many studies show that love is the most important thing in children's lives.

What is children need love to grow up healthy


The city council concurred with the excellent recommendations of the library committee. 

What is agreed.

The shelves were piled high with boxes of every size and shape. Each group had a different picture and different bright colors. There were so many people - men and women, mothers with little children, teenagers putting more boxes on the shelves. Some of the people were talking together as they chose the boxes and cans that they wanted. Jeff was having a hard time remembering which one to buy. He knew that Tooli wouldn't be happy if he brought home the wrong brand! Where was Jeff?

What is the grocery store


What internal dialog does the the author include?

What are thoughts?


The tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend and return to jail.

What is recidivism? 


The people of ancient Egypt created an advanced civilization. More than 6,000 years ago, they developed a calendar with 360 days divided into 12 months. The people made paper and learned how to write. They also built huge monuments with machines they invented. The main idea of this passage is:

What is the creation of an advanced civilization in Egypt