Point of View (POV)
Figurative Language
Literary Terms
Plot Triangle

This is the definition of theme.

What is the message an author wants to share with a reader?


Name two qualities of 2nd person POV.

What is the author speaks to the reader--giving directions or asking questions.  The author uses the pronoun "you". 


This school year has been longer than a decade.  I might be married by the 8th grade.  This is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is a hyperbole?


This is the definition of foreshadowing.  

What is when an author gives hints about upcoming actions or events in a story?


This part of the plot triangle is when the conflicts are being solved.  It occurs after the climax.

What is the falling action?


Name any two rules about theme.

What is it can NOT be one word.  It must be universal.  It must be stated in a person's own words and NOT a cliche.  It has to be supported by textual evidence.  It can be seen by only one reader but if he or she can support it, then it's a theme. 


These are pronouns used in first person POV.

What is I, me, we, us?


Her brain was a calculator.  This is an example of what type of figurative language.

What is a metaphor?


This is the definition of a flashback.

What is when the action of the story stops so an author can share an earlier memory or story that helps develop a character or share the character's feelings about someone or something?


These are two key pieces of information does a reader learn in the exposition.

What are the protagonist and the setting?


Name a popular song and its theme.

What is...answers will vary.


This is point of view.

What is it is the narrator's position in telling the story?


On the first day of school I had butterflies in my stomach.  This idiom show what kind of deeper meaning.

What is nervous or excited?


This is verbal irony.

What is when a character says something, but really means the opposite?  Sarcasm? 


This part of the plot triangle is when the conflicts are developing and the protagonist and other characters are showing more depth as they try to handle the conflicts.

What is the rising action?


These are three steps a reader can use to figure out the theme.

What is look at the conflicts to determine the big ideas of the story.  Take one big idea and ask himself or herself what the author believes about that big idea.  Write it out as a life lesson. 


This is the similiarity between 3rd person limited POV and 3rd person omniscient POV.

What is in both POVs the narrator is outside the story?


The student took the stage and performed like Beyonce to the amazement and delight of the cheering crowd.  This allusion shows what kind of deepermeaning. 

What is the student was confident or a good singer or dancer or had great stage presence?


This is personification.

What is when a writer gives a human trait or quality to an inanimate object?


This is the longest part of any book.

What is the rising action?


Name a theme from ONE book you have read this year and provide a piece of strong textual evidence to show its a theme from the story.

What is...answers may vary.


This is the difference between 3rd person limited POV and 3rd person omniscient POV.

What is in 3rd person lilmited POV the narrator only shares the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist while in 3rd person omniscient the narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of more than one character?


This is the difference between literal and figurative language.  This is an example of that difference.

What is literal means words have their exact meaning and figurative means adding a deeper meaning?  Answers will vary based on the examples.


This is a rewrite of the sentence to SHOW the feelings and image rather than just TELL them/it.  As I walked home from school I felt tired.

What is...the answers will vary.


Name ANY two general things that can occur during the climax of a story.

What is the protagonist may gain important knowledge, make a life changing decision, reveal a major secret, develop an important plan, meet someone important.