Figurative Language

What is alliteration?
Give an example.

The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected word

Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore


What is a narrator?

The person telling the story.


What is a theme?

The main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel, short story, or other literary work.


You ask your mom and dad to let you have a party at your house. They leave the room and do not answer.

What can you infer is their answer?


What is conflict?

Central struggle that drives the plot


What is imagery?

Give an example.

Using descriptions of the 5 senses.


What is the difference between 1st person point of view and 3rd person point of view?

1st: Narrator is inside of the story. (I, me, we)

2nd: Narrator is outside of the story(He, she, they)


What is tone?

Tone in fiction is the attitude of the narrator or viewpoint character toward story events and other characters.


What can you infer is happening in this scene and why?

The guy is courting the girl


A boy is chased by a crazed clown but manages to safely escape to the police.

What was the conflict?
What was left unresolved?

Conflict: The crazy clown was after the boy.

Unresolved: Clown is still out there


What is diction?

Word choice


1st person or 3rd person

"I looked behind to see if anyone was following me. There was only an empty street behind me. 'But where did those footsteps come from?' I thought to myself.

1st person


Everyone thought that the new kid was mean because he was so big and scary looking but he turned out to be super nice.

Theme statement?

Looks can be deceiving.


What do you infer is going to happen?

Lady gunna take a dip


A little girl's parents divorce and she is forced to move to a new town leaving her friends behind. she creates a plan to get her parents back together again. It doesn't work but she gets a new best friend and a happy outlook on life. 

What was the conflict?
What was unresolved?

Conflict: Had to move

Unresolved: Parents still divorced


Re-write to add. Add touch and taste imagery.

I walked home after a spring rain. I had allergies.

"I could taste the rain on the air as I walked home. The pollen tickled my nose."


"Robert Jordan could walk well enough himself and he knew from following him since before daylight that the old man could walk him to death. Robert Jordan trusted the man, Anselmo, so far, in everything except judgment. He had not yet had an opportunity to test his judgment, and, anyway, the judgment was his own responsibility."

Limited or Omniscient



"Finally, today is the day. I will be rid of those meddling brats once and for all! The world will be mine alone to rule!"

What is the author's tone? (Answer in a word)

angry, vengeful, menacing


"Sir, could you spare some of your wealth for the poor?"
“Why? Are there no prisons?... Are there no workhouses?”

What can you infer about the second speaker's character traits

He is greedy


A megacorporation turns a police officer into a mindless cyborg and makes him do evil. However, the sight of his wife brings back feelings of love that allows him to override his programming. Now, he's a good cyborg.

What is the conflict?
What is unresolved?

Conflict: He was evil
Unresolved: Still a cyborg


“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,” 

Point out the examples of Alliteration

weak and weary
quaint and curious
nodded, nearly napping


Omniscient or Limited?

"Billie packed his bags as Martha clung to a photo of them together. She wondered if she would ever see him again. Billie would worry about his journey but not as much as he would about Martha back home."



A megacorporation turns a police officer into a mindless cyborg expecting him to only follow their evil orders. However, the sight of his wife brings back feelings of love that allows him to override his programming.

Theme statement?

Love conquers all 


A husband sells his wife's jewelry to buy video games. When he comes back his ps5 is gone and his girlfriend has a new jewelry box.

What can you infer happened?

Wife had the same idea.


What is the conflict and what is unresolved in the story of Cinderella?

Conflict: She is a mistreated stepchild
Unresolved: Father still married to a terrible woman