Wild Card

This is another word for a verb, the action that is taking place in the sentence.

What is a predicate?


This word means "suddenly" or "quickly with little notice".

What is spontaneously?


This type of sentence has at least 2 independent clauses and 1 dependent clause.

What is a compound-complex sentence?


Like a simile or a metaphor, this literary device compares two things with the purpose to not just show the comparison, but also to explain it.

What is an analogy?


This is something that Mr. Johnson really enjoys doing.

What is watching movies?


When an appositive has information that is essential or important, this is something we should not use.

What is a comma? (Don't separate them with a comma)


This word means a "blockage" or "something that gets in the way".

What is an obstruction?

This is the difference between an independent clause and a dependent clause.

What is a dependent clause is not a complete thought?


This literary device is just like a symbol, only it must be used multiple times over the course of a story.

What is a motif?


This is the name of Mr. Kraft's dog.

What is Bella?


This suffix rule tells us that we need to double the final consonant of a word if the suffix we are adding begins with a vowel if these two things are true. 

What is the word has one syllable and the word ends in a single vowel followed by a single consonant?

(I'll take either as correct, but you need both to make it happen. EX: Tan -----> Tanning)


This word means "filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement".

What is exuberant?


In novels and stories, this is the moral or lesson that the author is trying to teach you.

What is the theme?


This device is when the audience knows something that the actors on stage do not, causing tension as the scene unfolds.

What is dramatic irony?


In the novel The House on Mango Street, Esperanza and her friends do this to mimic grownups.

What is wear high heeled shoes?


This is one of the ways that we can fix a dangling modifier in our sentence to make it correct.

What is revise the main clause or the modifier clause?

This word is the adverb form of a word that means "in a very sincere, emotional, or determined way".

What is imploringly?


We make these connections to ourselves in order to have deeper understandings about the texts.

What is a text to self connection?


This is the general feeling the writer wants the audience to have.

What is mood?


In the Outsiders, this character really likes Micky Mouse, although it is not a cartoon mouse, but a horse.

Who is Sodapop?


This is a word, phrase, or clause that has a substitute or stand-in, elsewhere in the sentence, usually a pronoun.

What is an antecedent?


This adjective means "anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen".

What is apprehensive?


This is one of the most important character archetypes in older plays. They act as a humorous character, but they are actually extremely wise and insightful.

What is the Fool?


A poetic slice of life, this device pauses the action of a story to focus on a particular character, concept or place for deeper world building.

What is a vignette?


In one of your tests, it talks about Jack London, and one of his characters who is a dog. This is the dog's name.

Who is Buck?