Context Clues
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Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli's neck. He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, "Hurry up, Tooli. You're always so slow." Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw. What was true about Justin? 1. He was very worried that someone might see him. 2. He was angry that he had to walk the dog. 3. He was feeling sick and wanted to lie down. 4. He was very excited and wanted to hurry.
2. He was angry that he had to walk the dog.
The earthquake of twelve years ago had brought down all of the old structures and, since the citizens of Pompeii were ambitious to rival Naples and even Rome, they took the opportunity to rebuild the whole town. What does the word ambitious mean?
Full of a strong desire to succeed or to achieve something; eager
Sarah organized her books into categories. One of her bookshelves has only history books, the second shelf has only biographies, and the third shelf has only fiction. Based on the information above, which of the following statements is a valid conclusion? 1. Sarah's biggest books are on the bottom shelf 2. Sarah does not keep her history and biography books on the same shelf 3. Sarah never reads mysteries 4. Sarah is always organized 5. Sarah prefers history books over biography and fiction
2. Sarah does not keep her history and biography books on the same shelf
You almost need a major-league salary to afford ballpark food. The hotdogs, sodas, and other snacks cost between 3-7 times more than at a local grocery store. What does the word salary mean?
Fixed sum of money regularly paid to a person for a job
What is the first thing you should do when previewing a text?
Read the title.
Of all the chores Michael had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he could not stand hauling the large bags over to the giant silver canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting. What chore does Michael hate? 1. folding the laundry 2. Doing the dishes 3. Taking out the garbage 4. Cleaning his room
3. Taking out the garbage
If the people of Pompeii refused to heed the warnings from the gods; they will all be dead within a couple of days, due to the coming disaster. What does the word heed mean?
Pay very careful attention to
The new girl was at her locker when the quarterback walked by. She blushed when he looked her way and quickly turned back to her locker so he wouldn't see how red her cheeks were. What can you infer from this scenario? 1. Running hard at PE made her cheeks red. 2. The new girl was sick. 3. The new girl likes the quarterback. 4. The new girl is the quarterback's girlfriend.
3. The new girl likes the quarterback.
However, it was summer, and a terrible smell began to come from the chariot. But the clever ministers found a way to account for the stench. A cart was loaded with smelly salted fish and was made to precede the chariot, over powering and masking any odors coming from the chariot just a little ways back What does the word precede mean?
To go or come before or ahead of.
True or false: It is against the rules to look at the questions before you read the text.
FALSE: It is not against the rules. It is actually a good thing that all of you should do before reading the text.
What can you infer from this statement? Skunks are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night while you are sleeping. 1. Skunks are busy during the day. 2. Skunks are busy only at night. 3. Skunks are busy both day and at night. 4. Skunks sleep all the time.
2. Skunks are busy only at night.
Success comes when a person uses their head, heart and soul. In just the same way, heroes prevail not because of the tools or weapons they carry outside—but because of what they carry inside. What does the word prevail mean?
To be victorious; triumph
Which conclusion is best supported by this sentence: "The Golden Gate Bridge spans the San Francisco Bay, connecting northern California to the peninsula of San Francisco." 1. The bridge enables many people to go from San Francisco to northern California 2. The bridge has the longest span of any other suspension bridge 3. Thick cables are best 4. The bridge is the most popular bridge in the Bay Area
1. The bridge enables many people to go from San Francisco to northern California
Every time there was a full moon the dragon came out of his lair and ravaged the town. He frightened maidens and broke store windows. The dragon truly made a mess of the town on every full moon. What does the word ravaged mean?
Laid waste to; destroyed
What is road mapping?
when you underline or circle important information in the text as well as stopping and writing important information within the text.
Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where was Shanay? 1. the ocean 2. the aquarium 3. to pool 4. a park
2. the aquarium
Damien wondered, too. And Destiny, her head at a thoughtful angle, looked as if she had been doing a heavy bit of pondering. By the next class the argument had been forgotten. What does the word pondering mean.
Weighing something in the mind; considering or thinking carefully
For a year, Chandler McCann spent $29.00 a month to belong to a health club. She recently heard that, for a few dollars a month, she could feed a starving child in a third world country. Now Chandler gives that $29.00 each month to a charity that helps poor children. Which INFERENCE(S) can be made? 1. Chandler has a high level of fitness 2. Chandler has some extra money beyond what she must have to meet her basic needs 3. Chandler no longer exercises 4. Chandler has fallen in love and spent all of her money on her boyfriend
2. Chandler has some extra money beyond what she must have to meet her basic needs
“I don’t want to clean my room” said Matt. He argued with his parents but his mother told him that he could not go to his friends house until his room is clean. Matt grudgingly went up to his room and began to clean. What does the word grudgingly mean?
Angrily, resentfully
This is when you write down what you think the text is about before you read it.
Making a prediction.
Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours doing sedentary activities like reading or playing video games. We can infer that when people are doing sedentary activities, they must be . 1. learning 2. relaxing 3. talking 4. sitting
4. sitting
The young prince couldn’t wait to one day be king. The prince yearned for the power to rule over people and make the laws that he wanted. What does the word yearned mean?
Felt a strong and deep desire
Jane is great at almost everything she does. She is a great student and makes excellent grades. Jane loves to work out for extended amounts of time each day. Her favorite sport is swimming. Jane could swim in the ocean for hours. Carly is Janes best friend. Carly enjoys school although she makes middle of the road grades. Carly hates the water because she has never learned to swim. Carly works out, but she thinks that Jane takes working out too seriously. Choose the most appropriate conclusion. 1. Jane and Carly both love swimming. 2. Jane and Carly both like school. 3. Jane and Carly both dislike school. 4. Jane and Carly both love working out.
2. Jane and Carly both like school.
“Yes,” Said the king, “I’ve told my knights again and again that they ought to slay that dragon. But I can’t force them to go. I’m not a tyrant.” What does the word tyrant mean?
One who uses power or authority in a cruel and unjust manner
List 5 test taking strategies
making a prediction, road mapping, preview the question, fiction or nonfiction, preview the text, reread the text or questions, cross out wrong answers, restate the question in a written response, use RA(GE)2