Plurals and Possessives
Prefixes and Suffixes
Text Structure
Figurative Language
The moral of the story...
The books belong to the girl
What is the girl's books.
This word means that someone is not happy.
What is unhappy
This text structure uses clue words that relate to time, or, steps in a process.
What is sequence
"as blind as a bat" is an example of this type of figurative language
What is a simile
The moral of a story is also called this
What is a lesson
The bone belongs to the dog
What is the dog's bone.
When added to a word these suffixes means "able to be"
What is --ible and --able
This text structure refers to the similarities and differences of a topic.
What is compare and contrast
"The wind howled like a wolf" is an example of this type of figurative language
What is personification
These stories have animals for characters and have a moral.
What is a fable
The money belongs to the man.
What is the man's money.
If something is not accurate it is.
What is inaccurate
Lauren had a test on Tuesday. She didn't study for her test, so she got a bad grade. What text structure is this sentence?
What is cause and effect
"The stars are diamonds in the sky" is an example of
What is a metaphor
You can tell that a story is a fairy tale by these characteristics
What is begins with "once upon a time", has magic, usually has a prince or princess
The plural form of the word cherry.
What is cherries
When this prefix is added to a word it means "wrong"
What is the prefix mis--
Wild chimpanzees are rapidly disappearing. Some people are trying to solve this problem. Otherwise, chimpanzees may one day exist only in zoos. People are trying to save the rain forests and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. It will take many people working together to solve this problem.
What is problem and solution
Poems are not written in paragraphs they are written in
What is a stanza
Folk tales include 4 types of stories. What are 2 types of stories that are considered folktales
What is a fable, a fairytale, legend, or myth.
The toys belong to the children
What is the children's toys.
If someone is antiprotests it means they are
What is against protests.
Chimps live in groups and like each other a lot, but sometimes they fight. Because they don’t want to stay angry at each other after a fight, they make up by holding a hand out to the other and kissing. They show they are sorry with pats and hugs. Then the anger goes away.
What is cause and effect.
Write a simile
What is a phrase using like or as
These stories were made up by parents to explain things to their children. They usually involve something that is true.
What is a legend