Figurative Language

Group of lines forming the basic recurring unit in a poem. It is another word for paragraph in a poem.

What is a stanza?

"Diane was lethargic and didn't have the energy to get out of bed."

Based on context clues, this is the best definition of lethargic: (excited, sluggish, alert, or hungry)

What is sluggish?
"Buzz!" The bee whirled through the air. This is an example of:
What is onomatopoeia? 
This summer, my family is planning a trip to places i've never been before. The grammar mistake in the sentence is:
What is I've?
Sherry's baby sister is upstairs. She heard a loud bump, followed by crying. Sherry can infer this:
What is her baby sister fell?
The emotion you feel when you read a poem.
What is mood?
"Sometimes he is perplexed by Sudoku puzzles, but others find them much easier than crossword puzzles."

Based on context, perplexed means: (helped, calmed, confused, or motivated)

What is confused?
The rock lazed on the shore as the river flowed by. This is an example of:
What is personification?
I asked my friend, "how can we get home from here?" The grammar mistake is?
What is How?

The events that happen in a story.

What is plot?

"Peter picked a peck of pickles," is an example of this poetic feature
What is alliteration? 
"Marty is gregarious, not like his brother who is quiet and shy."

Based on the context, gregarious means: (outgoing, nervous, silent, mammoth)

What is outgoing?
The train went by like a wall of thunder. This is an example of:
What is a simile?

Connor and Ashley went to the store and Connor and Ashley got a bag of candy. The antecedent and pronoun in this sentence:

What are Connor and Ashley/they?

     "A monkey put his hand into a jar of cookies. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull his hand out, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the jar. Unwilling to lose the cookies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears and bitterly lamented his disappointment." The theme of this fable is:
What is not to be greedy?

"Some one tossed a pancake/A buttery, buttery, pancake

Some one tossed a pancake/And flipped it up so high"

....This excerpt from "The Sun" is an example of

What is repetition?
"It was an idyllic day; sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park."

Based on context, idyllic means: (sad, flawed, wonderful, long)

What is wonderful?
"I could hear the popping and crackling as mom dropped the bacon in the frying pan, and soon the salty, greasy smell wafted over to me." This is an example of:
What is imagery?
I heard reggie tell his mother that the states of arizona and new mexico were the last states to join the united states before hawaii and alaska. The proper nouns in this sentence are:
What are Reggie, Arizona, New Mexico, United States, Hawaii, and Alaska?

The main character(s) in a story is called and their "enemy" or the character that gets in their way is called:

What is a protagonist and antagonist

"I'd rather wait here! That room is dark!"

The tone of this sentence would be best described as: 

What is anxious/scared?
"The hero was virtuous, not like the evil villain."

Based on context, virtuous means: (terrible, handsome, old, pure)

What is pure?
As I made my way home from the game, the curtain of night was being drawn. This is an example of:
What is a metaphor?
When Shea went to the restaurant, he ate 12 wings. The verbs in this sentence are:
What are went and ate?
This genre incorporates stories that could actually occur in a believable setting
What is realistic fiction?