Main/Central Idea
Tone and Connotation/denotation
Point of View and Authors Purpose

What is the main / central idea of a passage?

The main idea is what the passage is mostly about - the main topic.

The main idea an often be found in the first or last sentence.


What is the message, moral or lesson learned in a narrative?

The THEME of a story

The denotation of a word is the dictionary definition.

The connotation of a word is ...

The connotation of a word is an idea or feeling that the  word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

The feelings from the word- usually negative or positive.


The narrator of a story is the person telling the story.  If the narrator refers to themselves as "I" and uses other pronouns such as, my, me, us, we..etc. Then what is the point of view?

First person point of view


What Takes the place of a noun?

PRONOUN  - examples: i, me, my, you, he , she, it, they, them...


What is the central idea?

Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. Also, his parent not tell him that he cant eat or drink there too. There are many new rules for the new carpet

Central idea is: Peters parents bought new carpet and now he has to follow new rules.


True or False: Theme should be written so that it can be applied to almost anybody's life


What is the connotation of the word "stodgy" in the sentence:

The social studies lesson was stodgy and so dull the student decided not to do the extra credit assignment.

Negative connotation


What is the author's point of view of the passage?: 

The parents had to huddle their children and keep them quiet.  If they made any noise they knew it would be disastrous.  Their hearts pounded and they kept thinking positive thoughts as they waited.

Third Person Omniscient -  we know what they are all thinking.


Words that have opposite meanings are called:



Whats the main/central idea?

It is estimated that over twenty million pounds of candy corn are sold in the US each year. Brach’s, the top manufacturer, sells enough candy corn to circle the earth 4.25 times if each piece were laid end to end!   That’s a lot of candy corn!  But that has nothing on their staple product: chocolate! They manufacture over twenty billion pounds of chocolate  in the United States each year. Now that’s a mouthful!

Main idea:

Brachs makes a lot of candy, however; the candy they make the most of is chocolate!


Whats the theme?

Barry liked playing board games, but he hated losing. He hated losing so much that he would do whatever it took to win, even cheating. He'd steal money from the bank and hide it under the couch cushions. 

 Barry's cheating techniques were effective. He did win most of the games that he played, but the people whom he played with were his friends and family, and it didn't take too long until they caught on to Barry's tricks. They tried to tell Barry to stop cheating. They said that the game wasn't any fun when he cheated, but he didn't listen. He continued with his treacherous style of gameplay, until nobody would play with him anymore. 

Theme:  "No one likes a cheater"  "Always play fair" "Don't be a sore loser" etc


The tone of a text is the way the author expresses his/her attitude through their writing.

What is the tone of the following statement from Charlotte's Web?:

"But I feel peaceful. Your success in the ring this morning was, to a small degree, my success. Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. These autumn days will shorten and grow cold..." 

The tone is hopeful, assuring, peaceful, solemn,.. 


What pronouns are used by the narrator in Third person point of view?

What pronouns are used by the narrator in First person point of view?

Third person:  He, she, they, it, him, her...

First Person:  I, me, my, myself, we, us


True or False: Albert Einstein’s brain is preserved in a safe in New York

False:  His EYES are preserved

What is Main idea of the following passage?: 

Because microscopic bacteria and viruses were unknown during the 1700's, many doctors thought the yellow fever sickness was due to rotten foods that made the air smell bad.  Doctors had to gather information and guess what was the cause.

The main idea is viruses were unknown in the 1700's and doctors had to determine sickness's through there own inferences.


What questions should you ask yourself to figure out the theme?

"what did the characters learn, that I can learn too?" "What lesson was learned?"


The denotation of the word "gaudy" is being showy and extravagant often in a tasteless way

The connotation of the word "gaudy" is.... 

Gaudy can have a negative connotation because it means you may be showy in a tacky kind of way


What is the authors purpose?:

Recess should be 30 minutes instead of 15 minutes because you get a longer time to talk to your friends about all sorts of stuff. You also get a longer time to play the activities you're playing. We kids would get more exercise from being outside for a longer time. The teachers would get a longer break from teaching us and we would get a longer break from all that learning. That is why I think we should have a longer recess.

The authors purpose is to PERSUADE someone into having longer recesses. 


List at least two test taking strategies. 

Read the questions first, Check for your understanding after reading each paragraph, stay focused, go back and FIND the answer, eat a good breakfast, take your time,  ..


Whats the Main Idea?

After watching a video clip of the shoebill stork, and now want to see one in real life!  This has been placed on my bucket list and if I never make it to Africa, their natural habitat, I hope to see one in a zoo someday. 

Central/ main idea:  The narrator really wants to see a shoebill stork.

Give an example of a theme.

"Never give up", "overcome you diversity", "treat others how you want to be treated", "always be prepared"


What is the tone of this excerpt from the poem, The Prince?

My heart it was a floating bird
That through the world did wander free,
But he hath locked it in a cage,
And lost the silver key

The tone could be, lost, sad, feelings of betrayal 

What is the authors purpose?

In Tarpon Springs, Florida, there are people who work underwater. These people are called sponge divers. The kind of treasure they look for is called sponges. Sponge diving is not an easy job. The diver has to breathe under the water, and be careful of extreme water pressure.

The author's purpose is to INFORM the reader about sponge diving and how it is dangerous.


Although the Stegosaurus dinosaur was over 9 metres long, its brain was the size of a..
