Central idea
Point of view
Supporting evidence

I can't wait until this weekend! We're going to my grandparents' house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don't want to leave!

A) Weekends are times to travel.

B) The writer enjoys spending time with family. 

C) The writer's grandparents live far away.

D) The writer is sad to leave her cousins.

B) The writer enjoys spending time with family. 


What type of sentence is the following sentence? 

My big brown dog.

A fragment 


What point of view is this written in?

I went to the store yesterday and purchased some candy for my sister. She loved it!

First person


Which of the following is not supporting evidence for the claim: Ellie likes the summer 

A) Ellie likes to swim in her pool when it's hot out

B) Ellie gets to play with her friends all day long

C) Ellie has blonde hair

D) Ellie is going to a water park

C) Ellie has blonde hair


What could a claim be based on the supporting evidence 

1) Bees are essential for flower growth 

2) Honey can be used to treat many illnesses

3) Without bees, we would not have fruits and vegetables

Bees are important


I have a dog whose name is Paco. He is almost 10 years old. Paco is very loveable with a brown face and short black fur. He is one of my best friends. He plays with me, sleeps with me, and goes on walks with me. I am so glad I have him. I love him. 

A) The dog's name is Paco.

B) Everyone should have a dog.

C) The writer's dog is the most important part of his life.

D) The dog is cute and sweet.

C) The writer's dog is the most important part of his life.


What type of sentence is the following sentence? 

Pepperoni pizza with sweet tea is my favorite meal to eat for dinner.

Complete sentence


What point of view is this written in? 

He jumped back when he saw the big dog. "I'm so scared," he yelled. "Please don't bite me!"

Third person


Which of the following supports the claim: Dogs need exercise to stay healthy 

A) Running with your dog each day can improve their heart health

B) My dog's name is Crosby 

C) Some dogs are big, some dogs are small

D) Dogs are a man's best friend. 

A) Running with your dog each day can improve their heart health


What could a claim be based on the supporting evidence 

1) Yesterday, my mom made us tacos 

2) My sister loves to bake cookies 

3) I always read cookbooks that my dad leaves by the grill

My family cooks a lot.


Write a central idea for the passage:

Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math and work hard to achieve their dreams.

The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.


Fix the sentence if it needs it... 

Strawberry ice cream with sprinkles is the best dessert I am so excited to eat it after dinner tonight with some hot fudge.

Strawberry ice cream with sprinkles is the best dessert. I am so excited to eat it after dinner tonight with some hot fudge.


Change the story to first person point of view...

He slowly opened the treasure chest. To his surprise, it was completely empty. "Ellen," he said, "where did all the gold go?"

I slowly opened the treasure chest. To my surprise, it was completely empty. "Ellen," I said, "where did all the gold go?"


Which of the following is not supporting evidence for the claim: Flowers need rain to grow.

A) Water is an essential element in photosynthesis

B) Rain makes flowers grow healthy and strong 

C) Without water, many flowers would wilt

D) Sunflowers always face the sky

D) Sunflowers always face the sky


What could a claim be based on the supporting evidence 

1) Their family had no food left to eat

2) Nothing would grow in the dry, cracked soil

3) The rivers dried up

There was a drought.


Write a central idea:
Homemade pizza is delicious. First, make the dough from flour, water, and yeast. After that, being making the tomato sauce. Next, add any vegetables you like. Then, bake it in the oven. After a short time, the kitchen begins to smell delicious. Soon, it's ready to eat!

How to make homemade pizza.


What is the subject in this sentence? 

The teacher graded the student's essay and gave her an A+.

The teacher


Change the story to third person... 

I love the winter season. My favorite time of year is when there is snow on the ground. It is so exciting for my family!

He loves the winter season. His favorite time of year is when there is snow on the ground. It is so exciting for his family!

She loves the winter season. Her favorite time of year is when there is snow on the ground. It is so exciting for her family!


Come up with two possible pieces of evidence to support the claim: The Big Bad Wolf was innocent

Possible answers

1) The Big Bad Wolf just needed sugar for his grandma

2) The Big Bad Wolf was in the wrong place at the wrong time 

3) The Big Bad Wolf had a cold


What could a claim be based on the supporting evidence 

1) Erika could not stop smiling 

2) Erika jumped up and down

3) Erika knew today was a good day

Erika is happy and excited.


Write a central idea:

Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world? They are unique in other ways, too. For one thing, they sleep only about 20 minutes each day, and usually not more than five minutes at a time. (They have to remain alert for predators). Also, every giraffe's coat is unique and varies in color depending on what they eat and where they live.

Giraffes are unique animals.


What is this sentence missing? 

The busy student with curly hair.

The predicate 

What is the student doing??


Identify the point of view the story is in, then change the point of view. 

"I have never seen such a big hill," she gasped. "Where should we go to pick the flowers?"

Third person 

"I have never seen such a big hill," I gasped. "Where should we go to pick the flowers?"


Come up with two possible pieces of evidence to support the claim: Students in Ms. McEllen's class are in 5th grade.

Possible answers:

1) Ms. McEllen is a 5th grade teacher

2) Last year, the students in Ms. McEllen's class were in 4th grade


What could a claim be based on the supporting evidence 

1) The sky was dark and ominous 

2) A wolf howled in the background 

3) She slowly crept past the creaking door

There is something spooky going on.