Banned Items
Classroom Environment

A sticky item that can earn you a detention

What is gum?


The amount of time you have after an excused absence to complete and submit any non-digital work

What is two days?


The acronym for the classroom environment.

What is PEACE?


This grading category is worked on weekly and worth 25% of your overall grade. 

What is technology? 


This is when students should use the bathroom.

What is between classes or at lunch? (However, a student should still never be late to class without speaking with the teacher) 


An item that often has a smell others might not love as much as you

What is lotion or perfume?


Name both types of assignments that have a set due date with no extended time, regardless of the reason.

What is Achieve3000 and Progress Learning homework?


PEACE should always lead towards this. 

What is a safe space for ideal learning?


This is the requirement to earn extra credit towards a test grade.

What is earn 80% or higher on each standard on Progress Learning homework? 


This is how all students should come to class. 

What is prepared with all necessary materials?


My classroom is not a ______. 

What is a hair salon? (Leave your hairbrushes, hair products, etc. at home!)


How long does the teacher have to reply if you have questions about an assignment? 

What is 24 hours? (Therefore, you always must ask for help BEFORE the due date!)


The reasoning for the "A" in PEACE

What is Accept everyone, since acceptance is important for creating a safe classroom?


Where to check student grades and how often.

What is the Focus gradebook and weekly?


This is the policy for mishandling school property.

What is zero tolerance for damage resulting in an automatic detention?


Something you might be tempted to use that will earn you a zero on your work.

What is AI?

When it comes to homework, it will never be acceptable to say this. 

What is "I did not know there was homework"


What are both Es in PEACE? 

What is Engage and Encourage? Both improve my learning and others because we are paying attention and being positive. 


This is always available ahead of time and used for essays and projects

What is a rubric?


Cheating includes sharing your homework answers with a classmate or pointing to an answer on a computer screen because of this. 

What is preventing a classmate from demonstrating their actual knowledge or ability? 


Saying these will earn you an immediate discussion and detention.

What is racial or discriminatory slurs?


Name all three ways to always know what is due. 

What is Remind, SLAM! website, and on the classroom board/in person?

(If no team gets the three above, Focus is an acceptable alternative) 


Students have an equal responsibility to do this.

What is advocate for themselves and others to maintain a positive learning environment?


This is what causes a student to have a failing grade in ELA. (Hint: It is not intelligence or ability) 

What is a lack of responsibility meeting due dates and following directions?


Since Osceola County has banned student phone use during school and SLAM! is currently following this same policy, what should never be heard by a SLAM! student in a classroom?

What is "I did not know my phone had to be turned off and kept out of sight at all times."