Figurative Lang
Word Parts
Parts of Speech
Reading Skills

List at least 3 examples of figurative language

What is: Simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, personification, paradox, onomatopoeia, alliteration, etc..


Where is a pre-fix located in a word?

What is: the beginning of the word.


List at least 3 examples of parts of speech. 

What is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection? 


Read the sentence. Use context clues to determine what the word unconventional means. 

In an unconventional twist, the chef topped the cheeseburgers with pineapple and jalapeños, creating a surprisingly delicious combination.  

What is out of the ordinary? Not fitting with norms. 


Read the sentence: The flower was soft as silk.

Which figurative language is this an example of?

What is a simile? 


Where is a suffix located in a word?

What is: the ending of a word. 


This type of word is a person, place, thing or idea. 

What is a Noun?


How can you tell the difference between a fact and an opinion when reading? 

Facts are always true and can't be argued against. Opinions can be argued against. Opinion statements may have phrases like “I feel,” “I believe,” “I think,” etc.


Read the sentence: The rain clouds roared. 

This is an example of which figurative language?

What is personification? 

Giving nonhuman things human like qualities. 


True or False: All root words are words that can stand alone.

What is: False!

Ex: Audible 

Aud can not stand alone. 


The baby cried loudly. 

What is loudly an example of?

What is an adverb?


What does it mean to 'visualize' while you read? How can this help you understand what you are reading?

To visualize while you read means to picture it in your head. 

Usually this helps to understand and remember a story because it helps you remember more details that carry on throughout the story. 

Take any reasonable answer. 


What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? 

A SIMILE uses 'Like or as' when comparing two things: She's fast like a cheetah.

A metaphor compares two things WITHOUT using 'like or as': She was a cheetah on that race track.  


What is the meaning of the prefix 'un'?

What is: 'un' means not. 


Provide an example of a conjunction

For, and, nor, but, because, or, yet, so


What does it mean to make an inference when reading?

What is: Making a guess about what you don't know based on the information available?


Create your own example using any figurative language.

Accept any reasonable answer. 


Identify the root, suffix and prefix of this word: Unfaithful. 

Prefix: Un

Root: Faith

Suffix: Ful


Read the sentence. Identify the noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction and pronoun.

The young boy quickly walked to the store, so he could get there before they closed.  

Noun: Boy

Adjective: Young

Verb: Walked

Adverb: Quickly

Pronoun: He

Conjunction: So


What is a sentence that contains the main idea of the passage called?

What is a topic sentence?