Theme/Central Idea
Point of View
Word Choice

An inference is made up of 

Background knowledge and what the text states


What is central idea?

The main points that the article is trying to make 


What is point of view?

How someone views something that is happening. 


Mark worked on a farm for many years to SPONSOR his wife and kids, who stayed at home.

What does the word SPONSOR mean as used in the sentence?

Provide for


What type of structure is this?

It has been so cold lately, so I made sure that I packed my coat, scarf and gloves for the weekend.

Cause and Effect

What could be an inference for this sentence? 

I wouldn't eat after that two-year-old if I were you.

It could be inferred that the 2 year old did something gross to the food. 


What is theme?

The lesson or moral that the author wants us to learn.


Whose point of view is this?

I always look forward to my summer vacation at the beach. I like to collect seashells and swim in the ocean.



Tired from the 20 mile hike, Yasmine retired to her tent and SNOOZED.

What does the word SNOOZED mean as used in this sentence?



What type of text structure is this? 

A book about women in ancient Greece may explain how the Spartan women were different from the Athenian women.

Compare and Contrast


Make an inference about this sentence.

A man ran after a retreating bus, waving his briefcase frantically.

He missed the bus and will be late for work.


How do you find theme in a story?

Find the central idea, analyze the character and their character traits, find the conflict or problem in the story.  


Whose point of view is this?

We love walking the dogs in the woods. We all think it is so much fun.



In anticipation of Black Friday, store owners are making sure they have a wide variety of PRODUCTS in stock.

What does the word PRODUCTS mean as used in this sentence?

Something that can be purchased.


What type of text structure is this?

Jack and Jill ran up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

Sequence/ Chronological Order


Make an inference about this sentence

I found my friend crying on the bathroom floor.

She is upset about something. 


What is the theme of the story of The 3 Little Pigs?

Taking your time to do something right pays off.


How does the character feel about the train ride from this excerpt?

“Mama," said Esperanza, stopping in the doorway. “We cannot travel in this car. It ... it is not clean. And the people do not look trustworthy.”

She is not upset that she cannot travel in the nice part of the train. 


She was ACCEPTED into the law program at Harvard for college. 

What does the word ACCEPTED mean as used in this sentence?


What type of text structure is this? 

There are many car accidents on my block. Less accidents would happen by putting stop signs at the 4 corners of the intersection.    

Problem and Solution

Make an inference. 

Why did Atticus take Tom Robinson's case?

Atticus was determined to take the case because he felt it was his moral obligation.


What is the central idea of this sentence?

My new coat is red, blue and black. It has 2 zippers on the sides and one in the front. It is warm and fuzzy. I am going to wear it in the snow.

I got a new coat. 


What is the character's point of view?

“When you scorn these people, you scorn Miguel, Hortensia, and Alfonso…. As difficult as it is to accept, our lives are different now.’” (paragraph 15)

The character wants to treat everyone with respect. 


Crayfish, for example, have a REMARKABLE safety device at the base of each claw and leg called a “breaking joint.”

What does the word REMARKABLE mean as used in this sentence?



What type of text structure is this?

A book may tell all about whales or describe what the geography is like in a particular region.
