Multiple Choice
Short Response
Close Reading
Extended Response
Good Testing Habits

A strategy used to take out the wrong answer choice.

What is elimination?


When you the test taker use the questions to begin your response.

What is restating the question?


A part of the test that helps you understand what genre you are reading.

What is the directions? What is an article or what is a story?


You use this part of an extended response to help you write in paragraphs.

What are the bullets?


This is when you give yourself a good amount of time to read and answer the questions.

What is pacing yourself?


Figuring out how one part fits with another part.

What is how one part contributes to another?


You analyze and think carefully about the questions is asking.

What is boxing the important words in the question?

A text feature that helps you understand what the passage is about.

What is the title?


The bullet in the extended response that is a reminder bullet.

What is use details from the text to support your response? 


Things you should do the night before the test.

What is get to bed at a good time? 

What is get to bed early?

What is read independently to keep my stamina?


Finding the biggest or most important idea in the passage.

What is the main idea or central idea?


Your answer to the question.

What is my claim?


A strategy that helps you break the text into parts so that you understand it easily.

What is chunking?

This is a sentence or paragraph that starts your extended response.

What is an introduction?


Things to do on the morning of the test.

What is waking up early?

What is having a good breakfast at home or at school?


Finding out how the details in a passage connect to the author's perspective.

What is how the author supports the idea?


You include this to support your answer.

What are text evidence?


A strategy when you read and take notes about each part.

What is annotating?


This is a sentence or paragraph that ends your extended response. 

What is a conclusion?


Things to do during the test.

What is taking breaks after each passage and set of questions?

What is telling myself, "I can do this, take it one passage at a time"?

What is taking a brain break?


This is a strategy used to determine the meaning of new words or phrases.

What is context clues?


When you add "this means or this shows".

What is making inferences?


After reading a text, thinking about what the whole text is mostly about.

What is summarizing the central idea?

You need all of this in order to earn 4 points. 

What is a introduction,  2 claims for each bullet, text evidence and a conclusion?


Motivations during the test.

What is "I can handle this one passage at a time"?

What is"I can push through this because this is important"?

What is "I am a very strong reader, if I chunk and annotate I can answer the questions"?

What is "I am going to look back and really try to understand the question and choose the best answer"?