Figurative Language

Lori's mother ______ a chocolate cake when Lori returned home from school.

 A. will bake
 B. bake
 C. was baking
 D. were baking

C. Was baking

Why is a feeling word like "happy" or "sad" NOT a character trait?

Feelings can CHANGE quickly. Character traits are mostly consistent adjective to describe a person. 


Write a simile using the word "brave."

Answers will vary


What is a theme of a story?

A theme is the message or lesson that the author wants you to learn and apply to your own life. 


Procedure for making Waffle Cones:

Have a waffle iron and two bowls ready for use.

  1. Preheat the waffle iron to medium.
  2. In one bowl, fold the butter into the egg whites. Add the vanilla.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the powdered sugar, salt, and flour.
  4. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the butter mixture.
  5. Pour 1 tbsp of batter into the waffle iron. Heat each side to a golden beige for about 90 seconds.
  6. Lift the wafer from the iron and shape into a cone. Allow the cone to cool before filling it with ice cream.

What is the first thing to do when making waffle cones?

  • Preheat the waffle iron to medium.

Which of the following sentences has a modal verb that shows necessity?

 A. Javon said that he can play baseball with us tomorrow.
B. Pandita has a goldfish that she must feed every day.
 C. Mariella should meet her mother at the park today.
 D. Tyler might give me a skateboard for my birthday.

B. Pandita has a goldfish that she MUST feed every day.


How do authors reveal information about characters in stories?

They can reveal it in how a character speaks, acts, looks, thinks, feels, and how others respond to them. 


How is a simile different than a metaphor?

Similes use like or as to compare two things. 

Metaphors use is and are to compare two things. 


When man first saw a camel, he was so frightened that he ran away. He was scared of the camel's large size, tall bumps, and long front teeth. After many years, man finally gathered the courage to approach a camel. The animal had a meek and gentle nature. Soon afterwards, man was able to put a bridle in a camel's mouth. The camel allowed itself to be ridden and led by a child. Now, the camel is one of the most important and helpful animals to people in the desert.

What is one theme found in the story?

Themes vary and can include: 

-don't judge a book by it's cover

-don't judge someone until you know them

-things aren't always what they seem


Most people think daddy longlegs are spiders. They look alike, but they are not the same. Look closely next time you see daddy longlegs. They have only one body section, but spiders have two. When they walk, daddy longlegs use their second pair of legs to feel their way along. This is the way some insects use their antennae. Spiders do not have antennae. Some spiders have poisonous bites. Daddy longlegs cannot bite. To protect themselves, they give off a bad smell.

What is this passage mainly about?

This passage is about how Daddy longlegs and spiders are different.


Which sentence below uses the correct verb form?

 A. Kelly and James writes a comic strip together on the weekends.
B. Kelly and James write a comic strip together on the weekends.
 C. Kelly and James was writing a comic strip together on the weekends.
 D. Kelly and James is writing a comic strip together on the weekends.

B. Kelly and James write a comic strip together on the weekends.


The Rabbit sighed. He thought it would be a long time before this magic called Real happened to him. He longed and wanted to become Real, to know what it felt like; and yet the idea of growing destroyed and losing his eyes and whiskers was rather sad. He wished that he could become it without these uncomfortable things happening to him.

What is a character trait that can be used to describe the rabbit?

Answers may vary- Curious, worried


No sooner than the thought crossed my mind, Mrs. Plants burst through the door. "SIT DOWN!" she bellowed. Her voice was thunder.

Identify type of figurative language and write the words that are included in that figurative language example.

"Her voice was thunder" is a metaphor. 


   Two Frogs lived together in a marsh. But one hot summer the marsh dried up, and they left it to look for another place to live in, for frogs like damp places if they can get them. By and by, they came to a deep well, and one of them looked down into it and said to the other, "This looks like a nice cool place. Let us jump in and settle here." But the other, who had a wiser head on his shoulders, replied, "Not so fast, my friend. Supposing this well dried up like the marsh, how should we get out again?"

What is the theme of this fable? 

Themes vary and can include:
-think before you act

-things aren't always what they seem

-situations can change over time


You can be safe around water if you follow a few simple rules. Learn to swim, and always swim with a friend. It's more fun, and having a friend with you is just plain smart! Make sure to obey the rules and lifeguards. Rules for the pool are there to protect you. Lifeguards make sure you follow the rules to help you stay safe, not to ruin your fun. Make sure a lifeguard or an adult can see you at all times, just in case you need help.

What is the main idea of this text? 

This text is about being safe at the pool. 


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

 A. I wondered Will summer break ever arrive?   
B. I wondered, "Will summer break ever arrive?"  
 C. I wondered, "Will summer break ever arrive."     
 D. I wondered "Will summer break ever arrive."    

B. I wondered, "Will summer break ever arrive?"


 Linda's sister Nina cheered Linda on as she rode up the hill. This hill was steep, and Linda could feel the peddles slowly turning as she inched up the hill on her bike. No one had ever climbed a hill this steep before.

What character trait describes Linda?

Linda is determined, and preserved to make it up the hill.


Murray was helping Fredrick move into his new apartment. All of Fredrick's furniture was heavy. In fact, Fredrick's sofa fell on Murray. The sofa was an elephant that laid on Murray's chest.

Why does the author compare the sofa to an elephant?

This metaphor shows the furniture was HEAVY like an elephant. 


   Two travelers were worn out by the heat of the summer sun. They rested at noon under the wide branches of a plane tree. As they rested under its shade, one of the travelers said to the other, “The plane tree is a useless tree! It bears no fruit, and it does not give any service to man.”
     The plane tree said, “You are ungrateful fellows! You describe me as useless, yet you sit and recover under the shade of my branches?”

What is the theme of this fable?

Themes vary and may include: 

-appreciate all things

-be grateful for what you have

-appreciate the small things in life

-do not want more than what you need


  Natural predators such as snakes, sea gulls, and raccoons are threats to sea turtles, but human beings pose the greatest threat to the sea turtles. People threaten the turtles if they disturb the nesting sites or harm the sea turtles at sea. This problem could be solved if people were more educated about sea turtles. Most people do not know what a turtle nesting site looks like or how the things that humans do can harm them. The first step in protecting the turtles is education!

What solution does the author offer to help protect the turtles?

The solution is to help people learn more about protecting the sea turtles. 


Dinner and dessert from scratch.

How should the sentence fragment above BEST be written?

 A. Dinner and dessert from scratch while laughing.
 B. Dinner and dessert from scratch a surprise.
C. Margaret cooked dinner and dessert from scratch.
 D. After dinner and dessert from scratch.

C. Margaret cooked dinner and dessert from scratch.


"Your tummy is always rumbling, Finn. Didn't you eat an entire candy bar while we were waiting for Carlos?" Amara asked, rolling her eyes.
"That was ages ago, Amara," Finn replied.

In this line, ages most likely has slanted letters to show that...

Finn was being sarcastic and joking around.

The airplane was a long, soaring vulture in the sky. Its shadow was so long that it made it seem like it was night. Even the engines roared and shook the windows of the living room. Living next to the airport was really rough.

Why does the author compare the airplane to a vulture?

The author compares the airplane to a vulture to show how difficult and negative it is living next to an airport. Vultures are not likable birds. 

 Two men were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on their path. One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and hid in the branches. The other fell flat on the ground. The Bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelled him all over. The man held his breath and pretended he was dead. The Bear soon left him, for it is said he will not touch a dead body. When he was gone, the other traveler came down from the tree, and asked his friend what it was the Bear had whispered in his ear. "He gave me this advice," his companion replied. "Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger."

What is the theme of this story?

Themes vary and may include:

-danger shows you who your real friends are

-you should stick together in difficult times

-watch out for those you care about

-be friends with those that do not turn their back on you


      We humans are just one of the over 5,000 different species of mammals that live on our planet.

What does the word species mean?

A synonym for species could be kinds.