
This piece of evidence best shows the claim that Ocean Trash is harmful?

A. "Angela Haseltine Pozzi didn’t like seeing plastic trash washing up on the shore near her home in Bandon, Oregon."

B. "She wanted to rally her community to clean it up, so she started an organization and called it Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea."

C. "The materials are harmful to some sea animals, such as turtles, sea lions, and birds."

D. None of the Above

What is C. "The materials are harmful to some sea animals, such as turtles, sea lions, and birds."?


You can make this inference from the text below: 

The playground was empty, swings swaying gently in the breeze, and the hopscotch grid was deserted. A forgotten lunchbox lay open on the bench nearby, its contents untouched.

What is, all the children had to leave the playground quickly?

Not accepted: The playground is empty, there are no students on the playground, there is a lunchbox on the ground. 


This is the the definition of Central idea. 

What is what the text is mostly about?


You need to identify this when addressing the following prompt:

In the novel, describe a how character's actions that reveal their true motivations.

What is the character's motivations?


This claim is best supported by the quote, "The need to belong is a natural motivation to socialize with others to gain acceptance."

A. The need to belong is why people are sad

B. The need to belong is good and we should all want to belong.

C. The need to belong is natural.

D. None of the Above

What is C. The need to belong is natural?


This piece of evidence best shows the claim that organizing your community can make a difference

A. "Angela Haseltine Pozzi didn’t like seeing plastic trash washing up on the shore near her home in Bandon, Oregon."

B. "She wanted to rally her community to clean it up, so she started an organization and called it Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea."

C. "The materials are harmful to some sea animals, such as turtles, sea lions, and birds."

D. None of the Above

What is B. "She wanted to rally her community to clean it up, so she started an organization and called it Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea."?


You can make what inference from the passage below: 

A trail of muddy footprints led from the back gate to the kitchen, where a plate of cookies sat half-eaten on the counter. The family cat lounged lazily by the fireplace, licking its paws innocently.

What is the cat ate all the cookies?

Not accepted: The cat is lazy, there are muddy footprints/the kitchen is dirty. The cat is laying by the fireplace. 


This is a guess based on evidence.

What is an inference?


You need to identify these two things in your answer to the following prompt:

How does the main character's traits shape the outcomes of the story?

What is The main character's traits and the outcomes of the story?


This claim is best supported by the quote, "For example, a new member of the high school football team might adopt the dress and mannerisms of the other members of the team in order to fit in with the rest of the group."

A. Sometimes in order to belong people change their behavior.

B. Everyone should play football.

C. People are peer pressured to change themselves in order to be accepted.

D. None of the Above

What is A. Sometimes in order to belong people change their behavior?


This piece of evidence best shows the claim that people do not like to see trash on the beach

A. "Angela Haseltine Pozzi didn’t like seeing plastic trash washing up on the shore near her home in Bandon, Oregon."

B. "She wanted to rally her community to clean it up, so she started an organization and called it Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea."

C. "The materials are harmful to some sea animals, such as turtles, sea lions, and birds."

D. None of the Above

What is A. "Angela Haseltine Pozzi didn’t like seeing plastic trash washing up on the shore near her home in Bandon, Oregon."?


You can make this inference from the passage below:

The kitten cowered in the corner, its fur ruffled and eyes wide with fear. A broken vase lay shattered on the floor, water seeping into the carpet nearby.

What is the cat broke the vase?/The vase scared the cat?

Not accepted: The kitten is scared, the vase is broken, the water is on the floor 


This is the moral or lesson of the story.

What is theme?


You need to identify this when answering the following prompt:

In "Excerpt from The Best Way to Deal with Ocean Trash" How do details in the section, "The Garbage Patches" help develop a central idea of the article? Use two details from the article to support your response. 

What is the central idea?

Not Accepted: Evidence, explain, answer the question. 


This claim is best supported by the quote, "Our need to belong is what drives us to seek out stable, long-lasting relationships with other people."

A. The need to belong is why people have friends. 

B. The need to belong is a good thing that helps us bond with others

C. The need to belong is natural and always good. 

D. None of the Above

What is B. The need to belong is a good thing that helps us bond with others? 


This piece of evidence best supports the claim that plastic trash is difficult to clean up. 

A. "The micro-plastic is the same size as the stuff living in the water column. How would we ever go out and collect it? So far no one’s come up with a plan to separate all the micro-plastic from the living life that’s the same size."

B. "He came up with the figure based on calculations that 2.5 percent of the world’s plastic ends up in the sea."

C. "They favor a low-tech, more practical approach to protecting the oceans from trash: Persuade the world’s people to stop littering."

D. None of the Above

What is A. "The micro-plastic is the same size as the stuff living in the water column. How would we ever go out and collect it? So far no one’s come up with a plan to separate all the micro-plastic from the living life that’s the same size."?


You can make this inference from the passage below: 

As the teacher entered the room, the students hurriedly put away their phones and notebooks, their expressions guilty. One student nervously tapped their foot under the desk, avoiding eye contact.

What is, they were all scared of the teacher?/The teacher is strict?/The students are talking about the teacher?

Not accepted: The students are putting their things away, the students feel guilty, the students are avoiding eye contact.


This is a quote or example that supports your claim. 



You need to address these two things when addressing the prompt below: 

Explain how the setting of a story can influence the mood and tone of the narrative.

What is the tone/mood and the setting?


This claim is best supported by the quote, "Sporting events can also create herd behavior on a violent scale. The football hooliganism prevalent in Europe in the 1980s is a well-known example of sports-related herding behavior and violence."

A. Sports are dangerous especially Football which causes concussions. 

B. In Europe there was a lot of violence. 

C. Herd behavior can lead to violence. 

D. None of the Above

What is C. Herd behavior can lead to violence?


This piece of evidence best shows a solution to the problems of plastic trash. 

A. "The micro-plastic is the same size as the stuff living in the water column. How would we ever go out and collect it? So far no one’s come up with a plan to separate all the micro-plastic from the living life that’s the same size."

B. "He came up with the figure based on calculations that 2.5 percent of the world’s plastic ends up in the sea."

C. "They favor a low-tech, more practical approach to protecting the oceans from trash: Persuade the world’s people to stop littering."

D. None of the Above

What is C. "They favor a low-tech, more practical approach to protecting the oceans from trash: Persuade the world’s people to stop littering."?


You can make this inference from the passage below: 

The sky darkened suddenly, thunder rumbling in the distance, as the first raindrops splattered against the window panes. The dog curled up tightly, whimpering softly, seeking comfort from the approaching storm.

What is the dog is scared of thunder/lightning? 

Not accepted: A storm is coming, it is raining, the dog is scared.


In ELA this is how you connect your quotes to your claim. 

What is Explanation?


You need to analyze these three things when responding to the essay prompts below: 

In “Excerpt from Art for the Sea” and “Excerpt from The Best Way to Deal with Ocean Trash,” both authors present claims about plastic trash. What is each author’s claim? How does each author support this claim? Which author’s argument is more convincing?

What is, the first Author's Claim, the second Author's claim, and which one is more convincing?


This claim is best supported by the quote, "If they pass a restaurant that is empty and one that is relatively crowded with patrons, they are far more likely to choose the crowded one, on the assumption that it’s better because there are more people there.

Herding can be subtle in this way; it simply involves people’s tendency to follow a crowd rather than carve out an individual path in many situations."

A. People want to stand out and be different 

B. We always know when we are influenced by herd behavior 

C. People never know where to eat dinner. 

D. None of the Above

What is D. None of the Above?