Dramatic Conventions 1
Dramatic Conventions 2
Central Idea and Summary
Author's Purpose
Text and Visual Elements
Making Inferences
Word Choice 1
Word Choice 2
What is an archetype?

A plot, theme, or character element found in the myths of many different cultures.

What is a comedy?

A work in which the main character overcomes minor obstacles, often with the help of others, and the ending is usually a happy one.


What is the central idea of a text?

The main point of a text.


An author's purpose is the reason he/she is writing. List the four main purposes:

To inform 

To explain 

To persuade 

To entertain or inspire


Why do author's use visual elements in their text?

Visual elements can enhance a text by providing additional information or by emphasizing an important idea.


What is an explicit detail?

A concrete, specifically stated detail.


What type of word choice is the following?:

  • Lightning danced across the sky.
  • The wind howled in the night.
  • The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition.
  • Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name.
  • My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.



What type of word choice is the following?:

  • When is it time to go to the dentist? --tooth-hurty (2:30).
  • What did the cupcake say to the frosting? --I would be muffin without you!
  • Why did the turkey cross the road? --to prove he wasn't chicken


What is a comic hero?

An ordinary person who is willing to compromise and make changes


What is a tragedy?

In literature, a story in which the main character or characters suffer bad luck, pain, or loss.


When reading text, what does it mean to be objective?

To be without opinion about something. 


The following is an example of which author's purpose?:

A textbook about the history of the Indian subcontinent. 

To inform


What is the purpose of using audiovisual media? 

Media that use both moving pictures and sound to convey information or stories


What is an implicit detail?

An assumption derived from an explicit detail.


What type of word choice is the following?:

  • She is as quiet as a mouse.
  • He was cool as a cucumber.
  • The linebacker was built like a brick house.
  • He was as proud as a peacock to win the game.
  • She is like a sloth until she gets her coffee.



What type of word choice is the following?:

  • When I asked Maria if she was okay after she dropped her groceries, she exclaimed, "I'm just fine! Everything is great!"
  • Jane walked into her brother's new apartment to find it as messy as his bedroom was. "I see you're still the king of clean," she exclaimed. 

Verbal Irony


What is a tragic hero?

A person who suffers as a result of his or her own actions


What is a motif?

A recurring device, word, or image within a work that creates a recognizable pattern.


When reading text, what does it mean to be subjective?

A point of view shaped by personal bias. 


The following is an example of which author's purpose?:

A poem about the joy that comes with the arrival of spring.

To entertain or inspire.


What is the purpose of using charts and diagrams in text? 

Visual representations of information are often used to clarify facts or trends


What is an inference?

A conclusion based on what you read and what you already know.


What type of word choice is the following?:

  • Life is a race and we never realise that we are running towards nothing!
  • He is the light of my life.
  • For this whole year, this room has become my prison.
  • My heart's a stereo and it beats for you!



What type of word choice is the following?:

  • My dad is such a Scrooge! He never gives me an advance on my allowance!
  • Grandma is so nice to everyone she meets! She is such a Mother Theresa!
  • She has such a Cinderella story! Her success came out of nowhere! 



What is a maiden hero?

A character full of strength, purity, innocence, and independence

What is dramatic irony?

A situation in which the audience knows something that a character does not know.


What is the summary of a text?

A brief restatement of the facts or statements already made.


The following is an example of which author's purpose?:

A magazine article arguing for better road maintenance.

To persuade


What is graphic art?

The images that convey information. Graphic art is often computer generated and unrealistic.


Identify each sentence as explicit or implicit:

As always, the mechanic slammed the hood of the car like he wished it could feel pain. "I hate fixing cars," the mechanic said. 

As always, the mechanic slammed the hood of the car like he wished it could feel pain.  --IMPLICIT

"I hate fixing cars," the mechanic said.  -- EXPLICIT


What type of word choice is the following?:

  • My teeth chattered as I made my way through the snow. 
  • The wind was howling so loud that it was hard to sleep. 
  • The leaves crunched as I walked over them. The hail pattered on the tin gutter. 



What type of word choice is the following?:

  • Time is money, so spend it wisely.
  • Socks are just the gloves of the feet.
  • My father is my rock in hard times.
  • “Memory is to love what the saucer is to the cup.”
  • Football: field :: tennis :court
  • Hot :oven :: cold refrigerator
  • Cow :mammal :: snake :reptile



What is the sage?

The wise person who offer help and advice to the main character.


In a dramatic play (or movie), what type of speech is the following?:



Is the following subjective or objective writing?:

Arkansas is made up of stunning mountain ranges in the north and interesting lowlands in the south. Within the lowlands are the Gulf Coastal Plain and the Arkansas Delta, both of which have amazing scenery.



The following is an example of which author's purpose?:

A pamphlet about how to change a bicycle tire.

To explain


What are illustrations?

Images that convey information. Illustrations are often hand drawn.


Identify each detail:

Xavier glared at Gia. 

Xavier is mad at Gia. 

Xavier wrung out his sweatshirt. 

Xavier's sweatshirt is wet.

Xavier glared at Gia---EXPLICIT

Xavier is mad at Gia---IMPLICIT

Xavier wrung out his sweatshirt---EXPLICIT

Xavier's sweatshirt is wet---IMPLICIT


What type of word choice is the following?:

  • I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse.
  • My feet are killing me.
  • That plane ride took forever.
  • This is the best book ever written.
  • I love you to the moon and back.



What type of word choice is the following?:

  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • He who hesitates is lost.
  • Easy come, easy go.
  • The early bird gets the worm.


What is the temptress?
A beautiful woman who distracts and often destroys the hero.

In a dramatic play (or movie), what type of speech is the following?:



Is the following subjective or objective writing?:

Arkansas is made up of mountain ranges in the north and lowlands in the south. Within the lowlands are the Gulf Coastal Plain and the Arkansas Delta.



What type of supporting details go with the following purposes?:

To inform

To explain

To persuade

To entertain

To inform: Facts

To explain: Instructions

To persuade: Evidence

To entertain: Humor


What are photographs and why are they used in text?

Images created with a camera, often used to show emotional truth


Given the explicit detail, what is the implicit detail?

A. Xavier glared at Gia.

B. Xavier wrung out his sweatshirt.

C. Gia giggled as she plays in the water.

D. The canoe flipped over.

E. Xavier can't see their lunch bag.

F.  Xavier's stomach rumbles. 

A. Xavier is mad at Gia.

B. Xavier's sweatshirt is wet.

C. Gia is having fun.

D. Xavier and Gia fell out of the canoe.

E. The lunch bag is lost.

F. Xavier is hungry. 


What type of word choice is the following?: 

  • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  • A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
  • I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.
  • A big bug bit the little beetle, but the little beetle bit the big bug back.



What word choice is the following?:


Who was alluded to in this clip?


What is the trickster?

A character who plays pranks and creates obstacles.

In a dramatic play, what type of speech is this?



Identify the sentence that states the central idea of the following paragraph:

The game of cricket was first played in Great Britain in the 1700s. Today, cricket is popular all over the world. Cricket matches are held in countries like Australia, Pakistan, and South Africa, and cricket is the most popular sport in India. The Cricket World Cup, the sport's international championship, is also one of the world's most-viewed sporting events.

Today, cricket is popular all over the world.


Based on the supporting details, identify the author's purpose of the text:

With over 300 million cows, India currently has the highest cattle population on Earth.

To inform

What is the evidence? 


Which text is supported by the chart provided?

A. Most teenagers spend more time using electronic devices than they spend exercising or doing chores.

B. People who don't get enough sleep typically face more mental and physical health challenges.

C. Making a to-do list can help avoid wasting too much time on unnecessary tasks.  

A. Most teenagers spend more time using electronic devices than they spend exercising or doing chores.


Using the explicit and implicit details in the passage, what inference can you make about what happened to Xavier and Gia?

Xavier glared at his sister, Gia, as he made his way to the shore of the river. He took off his shoes, and water and mud poured out of his previously white sneakers. He took off his sweatshirt and wrung it out as best he could, but Xavier had no idea how he would get his jeans dry. He heard Gia giggling as she splashed in the water next to the flipped-over canoe. He looked around for the bag that held their lunches, but it was nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, Xavier's stomach rumbled.  

Xavier and Gia were canoeing when they tipped over unexpectedly, most likely because of something Gia did. Xavier is angry about being all wet, while Gia is having fun. Xavier realizes their lunch is missing, and he is hungry.


What type of word choice is the following?:

  • “Up in the air” 
  • “Stabbed in the back” 
  • “Takes two to tango” 
  • “Kill two birds with one stone.” 
  • “Piece of cake” 
  • “Costs an arm and a leg” 
  • “Break a leg”



What word choice is the following?:
