Literary Elements
Parts of Literary Analysis
Regents Rules
Parts of Argumentative Writing

You are my only one, just like the morning sun. 

What is a simile?


A literary analysis claim must include these two things

What is a literary element and a central idea?


The time that you must arrive for your mock Regents exam

What is 8:30 AM? 

The formula for an argumentative claim

What is your side + because + reason 1 and reason 2?


The two things you should do BEFORE you start to write your Part 2 argumentative essay

What is make a t-chart and find evidence from 3 of the texts?


A tornado flew around my room before you came, excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain in Southern California

What is a metaphor?

These are the two rules for a strong central idea

What is universal and arguable?


The part of the test you should start with 

What is Part 2 (the argumentative essay)?


The formula for a topic sentence

What is your side + because + one reason?


The outline/order for an argumentative essay (list of paragraphs)

What is introduction, body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2, counterclaim, conclusion?


She was a proud woman, rightfully confident in her abilities and always sure of herself.

What is characterization?


This is the outline/structure for a literary analysis body paragraph

What is SIEDIED?


The number of texts you need to use for the Part 2 (argumentative) essay

What is at least 3?


The formula or outline for a body paragraph

What is TIEDIED?


These are the two things you need to do after putting the evidence for the counterclaim side.

What is acknowledge the counterclaim side and write a rebuttal proving why your side is stronger?


We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us, no heat, wonder why Christmas missed us, birthdays was the worst days, now we sip Champagne when we thirsty

What is conflict?

Your evidence must include one or both of these

What is an example of a literary element or the central idea?


Where your phone/watch/airpods/ipad should be during the entire exam, including bathroom breaks

What is turned in to the deans or in your backpack?

The correct way to write your citations 

What is (Text #, line #)? 

Just (Line #) for Part 3! 


This strategy involves reading the question first, then reading the text.

What is the question-text-question strategy?


Her fingers were bright orange, slightly crusted over--yet still sticky--and left yellowish streaks on her paper as she dipped her hand into the Takis bag while writing her essay. 

What is imagery?


You must explain this in your literary analysis development

How does the evidence demonstrate the literary element? OR how does the evidence convey the central idea?


The most important thing to avoid doing on the test

What is leaving anything blank?


The outline/structure for the introduction paragraph

What is a summary, counterclaim sentence, and claim?


These are the three steps of development

What is what the quote means, what it proves, and why it is important?