Test Taking Strategy
Authors and titles
In the Lens
Literary Elements
Mixed Bag
This is the first thing you do during a task.
What is listen to or read the instructions.
The author of OF MICE AND MEN
Who is John Steinbeck
The critical lens occurs during this part of the regents.
What is the final task on the 2nd day.
This is often used to set the mood or "feeling" of a story.
What is tone.
While you read, especially when comparing two passages, it is always a good idea to do this.
What is annotate and highlight
This is how many tasks (sections) there are in the ELA Regents.
What is four
Harper Lee wrote this useful book for the Regents.
What is To Kill a Mockingbird.
A critical lens essay often has this many paragraphs.
What is four (or five)
A mockingbird's innocence is an example of the use of
What is symbolism.
During the Regents, under no circumstances are you allowed to have this (these) device(s) out
What are cellphones / ipods
This is a technique to use when you're unsure of a multiple choice question.
What is process of elimination
Many of you read this book about GREASERS and SOCKS.
What is The Outsiders by SE HINTON.
The number of works of literature that you reference in a critical lens essay.
What is two.
The progress and development of the protagonist in a novel would be called
What is characterization.
This is the highest grade you can get on your critical lens essay.
What is a six.
This is the first task on the ELA Regents
What is the listening passage
A timeless tale of first love and lost. Often taught in Freshman year.
What is Romeo and Juliet
This is the structure of the intro. The conclusion contains the inverse.
What is moving from a general statement to the thesis. (For conclusion, moving from the thesis to a more general statement).
A Modest Proposal, in which Jonathan Swift argues for eating children to solve world hunger, is an example of
What is a satire.
These are all the components that are on the critical lens scoring rubric
What is meaning, development, organization, language use, and convention.
The main difference between question 26 and question 27 is:
What is comparing two passages with a controlling idea for question 26, while writing about a literary element of one passage for question 27.
Holden Caulfield is the protagonist of this book. Also the author of the book is...
What is Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
These are the main essential components of a critical lens essay
What is 1. analyze the quotation 2. agree or disagree with quotation 3. cite two literary works. 4. discuss each literary work in relation to the quote.
The following haiku uses these two literary elements: Light of the moon Moves west, flowers' shadows Creep eastward.
What is imagery and personification.
This is how much time you'll have to finish the test (yes I know this one is too easy)
What is three hours.