Context Clues
Figurative Language
Capitalize Titles
Expand, Combine, Reduce Sentences
Reference Materials

Although plants don't talk, they do communicate with each other by sending messages. For example, scientists have found that some trees can communicate to share resources like water. They do this by sending messages through an underground network. A certain kind of fungus connects all the trees in the forest together, forming a large network. Scientists believe this information-sharing web may allow larger, older trees to help younger trees survive. This improves the health of the entire forest. The details of how the communication works are still obscure, so further research is needed to better understand the process.

What does obscure mean?


Is this a simile or a metaphor?

The new blanket was as soft as a kitten's fur. 



Which movie title is correctly titled?

1) Return of the Jedi

2) Return Of The Jedi



What conjunction would best combine these sentences:

1) Garret really wants his ice cream.


2) His grandma said not today.





I am reading my science textbook. I see a bold, highlighted word. The word is "electromagnet". Where can I look in my science textbook to find the definition?

1) Glossary 

2) Index

3) Dictionary



After Bobby Fischer learned to play chess, he said it was all he wanted to do. He started playing when he was six and was soon beating older players. At fourteen, he became the youngest person ever to win the United States Chess Championship. He won the World Chess Championship in 1972, becoming the first American-born world champion. Fischer's victories led to an increase in chess's popularity in the United States. They also made Fischer famous around the world. Fischer, though, did not seem to enjoy the fame. He stopped seeing his friends, choosing instead to live as a recluse. Fischer played very little chess in the decades that followed, but he did play one more famous match. On the twentieth anniversary of his World Championship victory, he played a rematch against Boris Spassky. Showing that he was still a champion, Fischer once again defeated Spassky and claimed a 3.6 million dollar prize.

What is a recluse? 

A person who lives alone and avoids other people


After her roommate moved out suddenly, Charlotte was left high and dry, paying all the rent herself. 

What does it mean to be left high and dry?

Without help


Which is correctly capitalized?

1) The Night At the Museum

2) the Night at the Museum

3) The Night at the Museum



Put these sentences in order:

1) Fenway park is the oldest ballpark in the United States and an important sports landmark.

2) Since then, thousands of baseball games have been played at Fenway Park, and it is still in use today.

3) In 1912, the Red Sox won the first baseball game played there. 

1, 3, 2


I remember reading about electromagnets in my textbook, but I don't remember what page. Where can I look in my science textbook to find the page number?

1) Glossary 

2) Index

3) Dictionary


The legend of Molly Pitcher dates from the Revolutionary War. An American gunner named John Hays was at the Battle of Monmouth. Hays's wife, Mary, also known as "Molly," was helping him and the other soldiers. The day was terribly hot. Mary carried a pitcher of water from a nearby spring to the field of battle. The soldiers drank and cooled their cannons with the spring water. "Molly Pitcher" became Mary's new name. She kept bringing more fresh water to the soldiers, replenishing the pitcher again and again. Then, when her husband was unable to continue shooting, Molly took his place at the cannon. She is remembered today as a hero.

What does replenishing mean?



The storm had passed, but the river was still rising dangerously high, so the town was not out of the woods yet.

What does it mean if they are not out of the woods?

They are not safe from danger
Capitalize this TV title correctly:

the amazing world of gumball

The Amazing World of Gumball


Split this sentence into two complete sentences:

Tonight, after school, I am going to the theatre with my friends and buying my favorite movie snack, popcorn!

Answers vary


You open a dictionary. At the top, you see the guide words for the page are Anarch -- Apple. Would you be able to find the word Able on this page?



In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on the shores of what came to be called the New World. Other explorers and settlers soon followed Columbus from Europe, many seeking gold and riches. These colonists brought many things with them from Europe, introducing new plants and animals to North America. They also brought several European maladies. The natives of North America had never before been exposed to these strange new diseases. As a result, many became very ill and died. We don't know the full effect that the Europeans had on the native populations. However, many historians believe that up to ninety-five percent of native populations died as a result.

What are maladies? 



What does this metaphor mean?

Whenever I'm having a hard time, Mrs. Brady is my rock.

Mrs. Brady is dependable. 


Capitalize this movie title correctly:

all quiet on the western front

All Quiet on the Western Front


Expand this sentence! Add more to it. 

Established in 1638, Delaware was the first colony to become a state. 

Answers Vary 


I know what the word beautiful means, but my teacher wants me to find a synonym to use in my paper. What reference material can you use to find a synonym of beautiful?


Before the end of 1955, most people had never heard of Minnie Mangum. She had worked for many years at a bank in Norfolk, Virginia. She was known for being generous with her friends, but she was by no means famous. That changed on December 29, 1955. Mangum was arrested for embezzling about three million dollars. The money that she had taken from the bank was used to buy eighty-five cars for friends and family. She had also paid for homes and many other gifts for friends and family members. She was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

What does embezzling mean?

Stealing from where you work


The traffic moved like honey dripping off a spoon.

Is this a simile or metaphor?

What does it mean?

The traffic moved really slowly.


Capitalize these two titles correctly:

avengers: infinity war

avengers: end game

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: End Game


Expand this sentence. 

Reduce this sentence.

Combine this sentence with another. 

"Finish your day with a visit to the Ferry Building for a beautiful view. 

Answers Vary


Get a dictionary. Find the definition of "alert" when it is a noun.

The state of being watchful