Fictional Text
Informational Text
Grammar/ Figurative Language

What is the difference between internal and external character traits? Provide an example of each

External character traits are physical traits like hair color. Internal character traits describe personality like thoughtful, sneaky, or hard working


How do you find main idea?

Combine the topic and how the details relate


What type of figurative language?

Albert is a walking encyclopedia.



What structure does every body paragraph in your writing have to follow?

R. A. C. E. S.

Restate, answer, cite, explain, sum it up


If a text is told through the perspective of one of the characters in the story, what is the point of view?

First person


What is an inference? How do you make an inference?

When you combine what you already know with what the text says to make a guess about what is happening or will happen.

(or something similar)


What are the 5 different text structures?

description, sequence, compare/contrast, cause and effect, problem/solution


What type of figurative language is a phrase that does not literally mean what it says? Give an example

Idiom (examples will vary)


What are example sentence starters for your paragraphs in an opinion essay? Informational essay?

One reason, another reason, also, next, etc.


If the text is told from the perspective of someone outside of the story (narrator) what is the point of view?

third person


What is the difference between theme and main idea?

Main idea is what the text is mostly about, theme is what you are supposed to learn or a lesson from the story.


What type of text structure is this?

After years of study, researchers have determined that the results of bullying can last into adulthood.

In a survey on bullying, people were asked how childhood bullying had affected them. 65% of those that were bullied said bullying damaged their self confidence. 36% responded that bullying made it harder for them to make friends. The survey also indicated that bullying had negative effects on people’s health, both mental health (27%) and physical health (12%). Only 18% of those surveyed answered that being bullied had no negative impact on them.

Bullying doesn’t just impact those being bullying. For many young bullies, bullying is the first step down a path that leads to several other problems. Because they bully their way through childhood, they never learn how to deal with conflict appropriately. For this reason, many adults who were bullies as children show higher rates of criminal arrests, addiction, and other aggressive behaviors.

Cause and effect


What is the subject and predicate of this sentence:

My dogs dig holes in the backyard

Subject: My dogs

Predicate: dig holes in the backyard


What are sentence starters for introducing text evidence? Explaining text evidence?

Answers will vary

In the text it says, source ___ explains

This evidence shows, this proves, this shows that 

How do you summarize? Bonus $50 if your group does the song?

Somebody, wanted, but, so, then


What is a fable?

A fictional story with animal characters that teaches you a lesson.


What text structure is this?

A Mars rover is a robotic vehicle sent to explore the planet Mars. The rover’s “drivers” are back on Earth, but they’re not using a joystick or remote control. At the start of each Mars day, the rover receives commands from scientists on Earth. These commands plan out the rover’s entire day. For example, a driving command might be, “travel five meters then make a 90-degree right turn.” Or they might give the rover a target to move towards, like a specific rock, and the rover navigates its own course.

The rover’s six wheels are made of a strong metal mesh. In fact, this material enables the vehicle to move over the rocky Mars terrain without damaging the wheels. Though they have durable wheels, rovers are slow-moving vehicles. Top speed is only about 1/10 mile per hour (slower than the pace of an average box turtle). In addition, rovers also make frequent stops. Typically, a rover drives for 10 seconds, then stops for 20 seconds to assess its current surroundings and terrain. The rover then continues on for another 10 seconds before stopping again.



Find two synonyms and antonyms for this word:


answers will vary

S: breakable, weak, brittle

A: strong, sturdy


Create an intro and topic sentence from this prompt

In your own words write a multi paragraph essay explaining whether or not all kids should receive a trophy for participating in sports.

One example: (answers may vary)

Have you ever played sports but were disappointed that you never won a trophy? In my opinion, all kids should receive a trophy for participating in sports.


What word helps you understand the meaning of the word 'antiquated'?

The vase looked so antiquated, I wondered if it came from the time of the dinosaurs! I’ve never seen anything so old in my whole life.



What is the theme of this text?

Mary didn’t understand long division at all, and it seemed like everybody else in the class did. One day, Mary’s class had a long division competition, boys versus girls. The girls team lost because Mary got all her answers wrong. All of the girls in the class got mad at her and ignored her at recess – everybody except for Mary’s best friend Chelsea. Mary was grateful that Chelsea was a true friend.

True friends stick by you even when you make a mistake. (or something similar)


What is the main idea of this text?

Corn is one of the most popular vegetables to eat, but it can be used for more than just food. Corn is an ingredient in many everyday products like glue and lipstick. It is used to make ethanol which is added to gasoline. However, ethanol is not good for the environment. Hand soaps and toothpaste both have corn-based ingredients. Believe it or not, corn is even used in the production of baby diapers!

Corn is used to make a variety of things. (or something similar)


What two types of figurative language does this have?

Lively, loud, lightning leaped across the sky during the thunderstorm.

Alliteration and personification


Create an intro and topic sentence for this prompt.

In your own words, write a multiparagraph essay explaining how plastic has impacted the earth's environment. Be sure to include information on ways people can help change the environment.

Answers will vary


What word helps you understand the meaning of 'deceitful'?

My brother has tricked me before, so when he told me that we were going to California on a vacation, I wasn’t sure if he was being deceitful or not.
