Figurative Language
Word meanings
Grab bag (random)

This is a comparison between two things using "like" or "as."

What is a simile


The life lesson or moral found in a literary text.

What is theme?


The Main point the author is trying to convey in an informational text

What is central Idea


The dictionary definition of a word

What is denotation?


The reader can infer an author's attitude within a text (story or article) based on the words that they choose to use. What is the author's attitude referred to as?

What is tone


The phrase "this classroom is a zoo" is an example of this figurative language device.

What is a metaphor


This literary device is used when the author hints at events to come later in the story.

What is Foreshadowing


Only facts from the text with no personal thoughts or opinions

What is objective


The +,-,neutral emotion behind a word and how the author uses it.

What is connotation?


In a story you are reading, a middle school boy is walking towards his girlfriend to break-up with her while outside at P.E. He walks slowly and reluctantly because he knows this will hurt her feelings. Unknowingly a bee buzzes right behind him. He whispers under his breath, "This is going to sting." What type of Irony is this?

What is verbal irony?


The Phrase "I felt like David up against Goliath when I had to guard the 6'8 guy last night at the basketball game" uses what type of figurative language?

What is an allusion?


This type of narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story.

What is a third-person omniscient narrator?


A brief retelling of an informational text that includes only the central idea and the main points that support the central idea written in your own words.

What is a summary


Words that read around an unknown word so that you can understand it better.

what are context clues?


What are the only to things you can use as evidence in a story to make a characterization of a character?

What are words and actions/what a character says and does


The statement "Time is a thief" is an example of this type of figurative language.

What is personification?

This type of literary device lets reader's in on information that one or more characters in a story does not know.

What is Dramatic Irony

What an author thinks feels or believes about the subject of a text.
What is Author's Point of View

"Molly trapped me in the supermarket for an hour as she described in detail everything she did over Christmas break. I just told her my break was short and sweet, she chose to give an annoyingly verbose answer."  What does the word Verbose mean as it is used in this example?

What is too many words/wordy


while reading, "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe. We assume based on the text that the main character has some kind of mental illness such as schizophrenia even though the author does not directly tell us this. This is called making an...

What is an inference

When reading, "Lamb to the Slaughter" the author characterizes Mary Maloney as a kind woman who cares for her husband deeply. in the middle of the story she kills her husband with a lamb leg. What kind of irony is this an example of?

What is situational irony


When reading a story, you find that the words the author chose to use making you as a reader feel sad and emotional. What literary device is this referring to? 

What is mood


The author's reason for writing a text (what was the point?)

What is author's purpose


"The antagonist of the story kept the main character (sally) from having enough confidence to compete in the talent show for the majority of the plot by bullying her. Sally prevailed in the end when she discovered that she only needs to believe in herself and not what anyone else says about her." Antagonist means a character that opposes the main character. What word is the STRONGEST context clue to figure this out.

What is bullying? 


The five elements of a plot's structure

What is: Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution