Main Idea
Figurative Language

What is an inference?

Something that the author doesn't tell you, a guess you make about what the author wrote in the book


What is a main idea?

The main idea is what the passage or reading section is mainly about.


What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

Fiction is a story that is not true and made up by the author. 

Nonfiction is true and has real events/facts. It gives you information about a topic


What is the difference between a simile and metaphor?

A simile has like/as and a metaphor doesn't


The restaurant was formal so I bought a new suit. What does formal mean?

fancy, dressy


What is this person's job? 

I have quite an exciting job that allows me to work with lots of exotic animals. I work hard from the early morning to the end of the day because a lot of critters depend on me. I am in charge of feeding animals, cleaning habitats, and making sure all the animals are happy and healthy.

a zookeeper


Every morning when I get up I eat breakfast, brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed and make my bed. After that, it is my job to feed the dog in the morning. Then, I can read or play until it is time to walk to school.

My morning activities


Max was reading a text that had a glossary of vocabulary words. It was a nonfiction text about penguins. A glossary is an example of a what?

a text feature


1. The soft chair wrapped its padded arms around Lisa

2. The dog barked loudly at the squirrel, which quickly ran up the tree

3. The coins sang happily in Tom's pocket

4. The week before the party seemed very long to Ellen

5. The eyes of the lady’s portrait followed Jean around the room, waiting for a misdeed.

1. yes

2. no

3. yes

4. no

5. yes


The student strives to get an A on her test. What does strives mean?



Everett held his father's hand as he crossed the busy parking lot. They walked into a grocery store. Everett's dad lifted him into the seat of the shopping cart. “Here,” said dad, “You can hold my shopping list.”

What can you infer about Everett? 

Everett is very young


Max and Nan were friends. They played together every afternoon. They played ball. They played tag. They got along very well -- just the two of them.

One day Max and Nan were playing outside. They saw a little boy watching them. They wished he would go away.

"Who are you?" asked Nan. "What are you doing here?"

"My name is Ben," the boy said. "My family just moved in next door."

Max looked at Nan. Nan looked at Max. Then they both smiled.

"Would you like to play ball with us?" Max asked.

After that, Max and Nan and Ben were friends. They got along very well - just the three of them.

Who is this story MOSTLY about?

How Ben became friends with Nan and Max


Allison was reading a chapter book about a boy who hated going to the park. It had a table of contents and the book had 12 chapters. The problem of the story was that the boy hated going to the park but that problem was solved by the end. Is this a fiction/nonfiction book?


It has a problem & solution

It is a made up story


Simile or Metaphor?

1. That dot is as big as a horse!

2. Jenny is as quiet as a mouse. 

3. That man is over the hill. 

4. Steve turned as white as a ghost when his father caught him! 

5. That car is a boat! 

6. Her singing sounds like a cat dying.

Simile, Simile, Metaphor, Simile, Metaphor, Simile


The continuous pounding of the hammers gave me a headache. It seemed like they had been working on the new ramp for days. What does "continuous" mean?



Nicole came out of the elevator in her apartment building. She ran to the curb and held up her arm to hail a taxi. When she hopped in, she said, “Please take me to 345 45th Street.”

What can you infer about where Nicole lives?

She lives in a big city!


Benjamin Franklin grew up in Boston. He worked in his brother's print shop for four years, from 1718 to 1722. He quit school and started working when he was only 12 years old. In a way, working as a printer was almost as good as going to school. Ben read a lot and learned a lot. Ben was smarter than his brother and he was a better printer, too. Ben's brother wanted him to work for him until Ben was 21, but Ben had other ideas. He ran away to Philadelphia when he was 17.

Benjamin Franklin had a job in a printing press that helped him learn a lot of things.


A fiction text has literary elements. Give examples of 3 literary elements. 

Setting, characters, problem, solution, beginning-middle end, etc. 


Hyperbole or not? 

1. I have a million things to do today. 

2. Harold ate a large sandwich for lunch. 

3. Mary will be back in just a second. 

4. Ken will be back in about an hour. 

5.  When Jamie told us the joke, we nearly died laughing. 

6. My grandmother will turn 67 years old tomorrow. 

7.  My mother is always working. 

8. Notre Dame has a terrific football team this year

yes, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no


Keep your speech concise to save time. We have many students who need to present their reports. What does "concise" mean?

short, to the point


Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck and drove off. The sign on his truck said, “Pipe Masters.”

What can you infer about Hudson's job?

He works as a plumber!


Cairo, Egypt, is an amazing city. It is the largest city in Africa. It is on the banks of the Nile River. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Many people visit the city every year. Most of the people come to see the Pyramids of Giza. Some people will even ride their first camel in Cairo. Some visitors will take a boat ride down the Nile River. The city even has places that show how paper was first made. This paper is called papyrus. There is so much to learn about in Cairo.

Cairo is an amazing city


Give examples of 5 different types of text features. 

caption, table of contents, glossary, charts, graphs, photographs


What do these idioms mean? 

1. under the weather

2. feeling blue

3. time flies

4. on top of the world

5. cold shoulder

6. taking a big step

1. feeling sick 2. feeling sad 3. time goes by quickly 4. feeling great 5. ignoring someone 6. making a big change


Nina was completely inept at cooking. She seemed to burn everything she tried to cook. What does "inept" mean?

to have little or no skill, bad at something