Root Words
Reading Skills
Writing Terms
Non-Fiction Text Features
Elements of Fiction
The meaning of the root fac​​​​

What is to make or do?


To find the meaning of an unknown word, this skill requires us to use these words, which are words around an unknown word that we find in the sentence or paragraph.

What are context clues?


This paragraph is written to "wrap-up" an essay and summarize the main points.

What is a conclusion (or concluding paragraph)?


These text features include charts, tables, diagrams, and graphs.

What are graphic aids?


This phrase helps the reader to remember the most important fiction elements and it can be easily remembered when the reader thinks of a hand print.

What are the "five for fiction"?


This is the root we are studying that means to put.

What is pos (e)?


This skill requires the reader to find these two words, which are defined as the first event that happened, which then makes another the second event happen. 

What are cause and effect?

This word refers to the sentence of a paragraph that states the main idea; it tells the reader what the whole paragraph is about - usually the first sentence.

What is a topic sentence?


These are examples of "special words" that authors use to draw the reader's attention to them. (Must name at least two)

What are:  italics, bold, colored text, caps, highlighted words?


This term is the fourth part in the "five for fiction" literary elements, which also includes character, setting, plot, and resolution.

What is conflict?


This is the root that we already learned that means to write.

What is scrib/script?


This skill requires the reader to CITE details from the text to support their inferences, using PAW.

What is citing text evidence?


A ______ statement is the sentence that is found at the end of the introduction; it usually has three parts, and it tells the reader what the whole essay is about.

What is a thesis?


This is a term used for a list of words and their meanings (usually found at the end of the book/article).

What is the glossary?


This term refers to the highest point of emotion in the story, when the conflict is so terrible that the character is forced to change.

What is the climax?


The two roots that mean to step

What are grad and gress?


This skill requires the reader to make this by reading textual clues and applying their own personal knowledge to come up with something NOT written by the author.

What is an inference?


In an essay, it is important to prove your ideas with supporting details from your research.  This phrase refers to the way we write these details that prove our thinking.

What is citing text evidence?


This term refers to the words above a section of text WITHIN an article that tell what that section is about.

What is a heading (subheading)?


This term refers to the sequence of events that occur when the character tries to resolve the problem but fails, or another character makes the problem worse.

What is rising action?


The two roots that are related because they both are about the location of things in relation to others.

What are loc and pos (e)?


This skill requires the reader to determine these two words.  The first is the life lesson in a fiction selection and the second is the main message in a nonfiction selection.

What are theme and central idea?


When citing text evidence, these things MUST be included to avoid plagiarizing another author. (Hint, four things... one is a punctuation mark).

What are:  cite the page/paragraph, author, and word-for-word text in quotation marks.

This phrase (two-word term) is what the reader can determine about an article when he/she considers the title, headings, graphic aids, and other text features along with information in the first and last paragraphs.

What is the central idea?


This term refers to the type of conflict that happens within a character when he/she has a character vs. self problem.

What is internal conflict?