Main Idea
Chronological Order

What is the main idea of a text? 

 A. The central point or message the author wants to convey

B. The details in a text

C. The opinion of the story

D. The chronological order of the text

A. The central point or message the author wants to convey.


What are details in a text? 

A. Specific information that supports the main idea. 

B. Opinions in a text

C. First, Next, Then

D. Historical date and events

A. Specific information that supports the main idea.


What is sequence in a story? 

A. A timeline of events

B. The order in which events happen. 

C. A fairytale

D. A scary movie

B. The order in which events happen.


What does "chronological order" mean? 

A. The events are out of order

B. Using first, next, then

C. Main idea and details

D. Events are arranged in the order they happened in time. 

D. Events are arranged in the order they happened in time.


What is an inference? 

A. An educated guess

B. A prediction

C. A conclusion made based on evidence and reasoning. 

D. The main idea

C. A conclusion made based on evidence and reasoning.


True or False: The main idea can always be found in the first sentence of a paragraph.



What kind of details help explain the main idea? 

A. Facts

B. Opinions

C. Supporting Details

D. Synonyms

C. Supporting Details


What comes first: cooking pasta or draining the water?

Cooking pasta


True or False: A biography is often written in chronological order.



True or False: An inference is something directly stated in the text.



What is the main idea of a paragraph about the life cycle of a butterfly? 

A. A butterfly is an interesting insect

B. Butterflies are beautiful

C. The stages of a butterfly's life, from egg to adult. 

D. There are multiple species of butterflies.

C. The stages of a butterfly's life, from egg to adult.


Find a supporting detail in this sentence: "The lion is the king of the jungle because it is strong and fierce." 

A. The lion is king of the jungle

B. The lion

C. King of the jungle

D. It is strong and fierce

D. It is strong and fierce


Put these steps in sequence: Wash your hands, dry your hands, use soap.

Use soap, wash your hands, dry your hands.


Which comes first in chronological order: the Civil War or the American Revolution?

The American Revolution


Based on this sentence, what can you infer? "Sam put on his raincoat and grabbed his umbrella before leaving the house."

It's likely raining or about to rain.


If a passage describes how plants grow from seeds into flowers, what would be the main idea?

A. Plants have an interesting life cycle

B. Plants take a long time to grow

C. Plants are not important to learn about

D. How plants grow and develop from seeds into mature plants

D. How plants grow and develop from seeds into mature plants


Why are details important in a text? 

A. They provide evidence and explanation to support the main idea. 

B. We always need to find details

C. They are not important

D. Details give us an image

A. They provide evidence and explanation to support the main idea.


Which clue words help you know the sequence of events in a story? 

A. In 1872, 

B. In conclusion,

C. First, next, then, finally 

D. However,

C. First, next, then, finally


Place these events in chronological order: "The U.S. Constitution is written, the Declaration of Independence is signed, the first president is elected."

Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, first president is elected.


What can you infer from this passage: "Maria’s hands were shaking, and she was sweating as she stood at the front of the classroom."

Maria is probably nervous or scared.


Identify the main idea of the following sentence: "Solar energy is becoming more popular because it’s a renewable resource and helps reduce pollution." 

A. Solar energy is important 

B. Solar energy is becoming popular because it’s renewable and reduces pollution. 

C. Reducing pollution is important for the environment

D. Solar energy is expensive

B. Solar energy is becoming popular because it’s renewable and reduces pollution.


Name two details that support this main idea: "Exercise is important for staying healthy." 

A. Eating junk food and soda is important to stay healthy

B. Eating ramen helps you stay healthy

C. It improves your heart health and helps maintain a healthy weight. 

D. So you can have strong muscles

C. It improves your heart health and helps maintain a healthy weight.


Sequence this set of actions: "She packed her bag, went to school, and sat in her seat." (Use First, Next, and Finally in your answer)

First, she packed her bag. Next, she went to school. Finally, she sat in her seat.


Identify one clue word that shows chronological order. 

A. "In the year," "after," "before." 

B. "First", "Next", "Finally"

C. "In conclusion"

D. "However"

A. "In the year," "after," "before."


Based on this passage, make an inference: "The lights went out, and everyone heard a loud crash. The room was silent for a moment, then people started shouting."

Something fell or broke in the dark, causing panic or confusion.