Figurative Language/Literary Devices
Context Clues
Main Idea
Point of View
Cause and Effect

"His smile is like a ray of sunshine."

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Homograph

D. Personification

What is Simile?


Unlike my friends who love winter, I detest it. 

What is the meaning of the word DETEST? 

A. Love

B. Hate

C. Want

What is Hate?


Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd hung up a big sign that said, "Happy birthday, Joey!" Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food on the whole world. My friend Riley came over and gave me my birthday gift. It was a new basketball! I had a great day. 

The main idea of the paragraph is..

A. Joey had a great birthday.

B. Joey received a lot of presents.

C. Todd made Joey's birthday special.

D. Joey turned 10. 

What is Joey had a great birthday? 

As I was walking down the street, I saw a beautiful sunset and birds flying in the wind."

What Point of View is the sentence written in? 

A. First person

B. Second person

C. Third person

D. First and Second person

What is first person? 


This is the reason WHY something happens.

A. Cause

B. Effect

C. Theme 

D. Problem

What is cause? 


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

A. Personifications

B. Proverb and Adage

C. Analogy

D. Homograph

What is Proverbs and Adages?


The lanterns next to the sidewalk help to illuminate the path at night. 

What does illuminate mean?

A. Cabin

B. Light

C. Bend

D. Wrap


What is Light?


Black widow spiders are more deadly to animals than people. They catch beetles, flies, and other insects in their webs and wrap them in silk. Then, they suck the insects out and eat them. Female black widows sometimes kill and eat other spiders! People, on the other hand, are usually safe from black widows. The spiders only bite to protect themselves. A person who is bitten by a black widow may experience aches or upset stomachs. However, it is rare for a person bitten by a black widow to die.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. In rare cases, black widow spider bites are deadly to people.

B. Black widows are more deadly to insects than they are people.

C. Black widow spiders trap many insects, such as flies and beetles.

D. Black widow spiders are dangerous. 

What is black widow spiders are more deadly to insects than they are to people? 


Choose the sentence that is written in 2nd person POV.

A. Aaron picked apples with his friends Jace and Russell.

B. You can use a ladder to pick the highest apples.

C. I filled a huge basket with apples.

D. We went to a nearby farm to pick apples.

What is we went to a nearby farm to pick apples? 


I scraped my knee, so mom gave me a bandaid.

What is the CAUSE?

A. I scraped my knee

B. Mom gave me a bandaid

C. I am clumsy

D. I need a bandaid. 

What is I scraped my knee?

"Hit the hay," and "Break a leg," are examples of ...

A. Personification

B. Alliteration

C. Idiom

D. Simile

What is Idiom?


The pudgy baby panda bear looked chubby and round.

Choose the correct definition of the word PUDGY.

A. Plump

B. Thin

C. Black and white

D. Cute

What is plump? 

Although many people think a koala is a bear, it is not. The koala is a type of mammal called a marsupial. A kangaroo is also a marsupial. These mammals carry their babies in a pouch. The kangaroo's pouch is on her stomach but the koala's pouch is on her back. Both feed their babies milk and keep them in a pouch until they are strong enough to survive on their own.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. the koala is not a bear.

B. The kangaroo and koala are mostly alike but have some differences.

C. The kangaroo and koala are exactly the same.

D. The kangaroo has a pouch on their belly. 

What is the kangaroo and koala are mostly alike but have some differences?


It was a dark and windy night when the traveller came to Sarah's door. At first, she were afraid to open the door, but he kept knocking. Finally, Sarah got afraid that he was going to knock down the door so she opened it. That turned out to be a mistake. 

What Point of View is the paragraph written in?

A. First person

B. Second person

C. Third person

D. Fourth person

What is third person?


Since there was a giant blizzard, school was closed for a week. 

What is the CAUSE?

A. School was closed for a week

B. There was a giant blizzard

C. School closes during a snow storm

D. The kids played in the snow all day

What is there was a giant blizzard? 


"The new baby was a bundle of joy," is an example of...

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Personification

D. Alliteration

What is metaphor?

Gabriella could not get over how elegant the cruise ship was. The walls were paneled in beautiful wood, there were fresh flowers on every table, and the floors were made of gleaming stone. 

Choose the correct definition of the word ELEGANT

A. Stylish 

B. Sloppy

C. Boring

D. Bright

What is stylish? 


Earth is much more welcoming to life than Mars is. Earth's thick atmosphere helps keep the planet warm, with an average temperature of 57 F. In addition, 2/3 of Earth is covered by water. This makes it easy for life to exist here. Mars, on the other hand, has the a thin atmosphere and is farther from the sun so it is much colder. Mar's average temperature is about -60 F! In addition, the surface of the planet is dry and dusty. Without water and warmth, life would struggle to survive on Mars.

What is the main idea of the passage? 

A. Earth has a thick atmosphere and a warm temperature.

B. Earth is mostly covered in water.

C. Earth is better able to support life than Mars is. 

D. Mars can support life.

What is Earth is better able to support life than Mars is?


Before you go on a trip, there are some important things you need to know about packing your suitcase. First, you cannot pack anything you want. Your suitcase can't hold everything, so you can only bring the most important things. Next, remember to take your suitcase with you when you leave for your trip. Finally, if you are on a plane, make sure the suitcase you go home with is actually yours. 

What POV is the passage written in? What key words helped you?

A. First person / you and yours

B. Second person / you and yours 

C. Third person / trip and plane

D. Second person / trip and plane.

What is Second person / you and yours?


Since the day was warm, the snake slithered out from under the rock and into the sunshine.

What is the EFFECT?

A. The day was warm

B. The snake slithered into the sunshine

C. The weather was hot 

D. The snake was hot

What is the snake slithered into the sunshine? 


Provide an example of a HOMOGRAPH

*Student example of a word that is spelled the same with 2 different meanings* 


Liam was a great basketball player who yearned for the chance to play professionally. He practiced every day and called coaches at all the professional teams asking for a try-out.

Provide a SYNONYM for the word "YEARNED."

*Student response: wanted, desired, wished, hoped, needed. 


Chameleons might change color for several different reasons. If a chameleon is in the sun, it often changes from brown to light green. This causes the chameleon's  skin to reflect the bright sunlight and helps it cool down. If the chameleon is cold, it will change its skin to a darker color. If chameleons get angry, they turn bright colors. The next time you see a chameleon, try to figure out why it is changing colors. 

What is the main idea of the passage? 

What is Chameleons change colors for different reasons? 


Provide an example of a sentence written in THIRD person. 

**Students use pronouns like he, she, or they. 


What is the EFFECT of not charging your cellphone?

**Student response: phone dies, not being able to make phone calls, text, etc.