Conflict & Inferences
Author's Purpose & Text Structure
Point of View
Figurative Language

When you have a conflict with someone else that is called....

external conflict


What is the author's purpose of writing a persuasive essay?



What type of POV uses the words: "I, me, my, we"?

First person point of view


This type of figurative language compares two unrelated things using the words like or as.

What is a simile?


What three things do you need in your introductory sentence?

Restate, because, and an inference


At 13, she had already flown an airplane. At age 16, Janet decided she wanted to try a free-fall parachute jump. In free-fall, the parachutist jumps out of a plane without opening the chute. After falling several hundred feet at more than 100 miles an hour, the cord is pulled to open the chute. Then, if all goes well, the parachutist floats safely to the ground. Her father wouldn’t hear of it. “Absolutely not,” he said. “No free-fall!”

What is the conflict between Janet and her dad?

He's worried about her free falling.

What is the author's purpose of the novel Harry Potter?

To entertain


When an ECR or SCR question asks about the author's point of view, is it usually asking for the type (first, second, or third) or is it asking you to make an inference?

Make an inference


Gives a non-human thing a human characteristic

What is personification?


For an ECR how many text evidences do you need for each text?



Make an inference about the main character in the passage below.

As soon as the ball left my hand my mouth dropped open. I squinted my eyes, afraid to watch. The sound of shattering glass filled the air and sent my brother running into the room. I could feel his stare on the back of my head. I slowly turned around to meet his gaze. He did not have to say a word, I knew what he was thinking. When my parents came home and saw the broken window, I was in big trouble! This would be the second incident in less than a month.

He is a troublemaker.


Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks support a wide diversity of animal species, reflecting the range in elevation, climate, and habitat variety there. Over 260 native vertebrate species are in the parks; numerous additional species may be present but have not been confirmed. Of the native vertebrates, five species are extirpated (or extinct), and over 150 are rare or uncommon. 

What is the author's purpose?

To inform


What is the type of point of view used in the following sentence?

He lurched to his feet. As the grizzly came ashore, he was wading into the far channel."

Third person point of view.


What does this simile mean?

"They are like two peas in a pod"

Very close or similar


What is wrong with the following introductory statement?

The authors' point of view are similar because. in the winter of red snow it says, "she is very sad about keeping Lucy's secret."

Missing the complete restate (Title of the passage), shouldn't have a period after the because, and is missing an inference.


What character trait can you infer about Walt Disney from the following sentences:

He was too young to join the army, so he dropped out of school and joined the Red Cross. He spent the next year driving ambulances in France.

helpful, determined,


This text structure describe events in sequential or numerical order

Chronology or chronological order


Write an intro sentence as an SCR for the following question.

Based on the movie, Frozen, how is the author's point of view of Elsa and Anna similar?

Based on the movie, Frozen, the author's point of view of Elsa and Anna are similar because they both want to protect each other (or any inference).


What two types of figurative language are in the following sentence?

"The tired school bus spit out the students like a kid spitting out brussel sprouts"

What are simile and personification?


Write an introductory sentence for this question?

Based on the novel, Flying Solo, why did Rachel stop talking?

Based on the novel, Flying Solo, Rachel stopped talking because she felt guilty about Tommy (or any other inference).


In Flying Solo, what is Bastian's major conflict that he's struggling with and what type is it?

Giving Barkley away or keeping him in quarantine and internal


When the text structure compare and contrast is being used compare refers to characteristics that are ______ and contrast refers to characteristics that are _______.

Similar/alike and different


In the book, Esperanza Rising, what is the author's POV of Esperanza in the beginning of the book?

She is selfish, rude, stuck up, feels superior.


What type of figurative language is an extreme exaggeration?



Write an intro sentence for the following question.

Based on the movie, Frozen, what is Kristoff's point of view of Anna's engagement?

Based on the movie, Frozen, Kristoff's point of view of Anna's engagement is silly because she didn't take the time to get to know him properly. (or something that makes sense)