Making Inferences
Context Clues
Central Idea/Main Idea

What is theme?

Message about life that the author expresses.


What is an Inference?

A conclusion or judgement based on evidences and our background


The word context means:

In the text 


Supporting details are_______________________

What are words, phrases,or sentences that tell more about the central idea?


What should you read before actually reading a text? 

The title of the text and any pretext  if there is any.  


Answer this question:

Two things you should do when answering multiple choice questions is:

a. read the question carefully and look back at the text for clues

b. Eliminate wrong options then look back at the text for clues

c. ask a friend and go to the bathroom

d. look back at the text and skip the question

What is A. Read the question carefully and look back at the text for clues?


True/ False - I can make an inference without reading the text.



 What should you do if you see a word you don't know? 

What is look for clues in the sentences around it? 🔎


What is the best question to ask yourself when you are trying to find the central idea?

What point is the author trying to make?


What are the elements of plot? 

exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution


What is one way you could figure out the theme is to?

Think about what the character has learned. 


Penguins live in cold, windy places and gather in large groups.  Why do you think they stand close together?

To stay warm


After weeks of avoiding him, Annie finally found the courage to tell David that she wasn’t interested in him; and even though David was heart broken, he appreciated her candor. What does candor mean?

What is honesty?


Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.  Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball.  They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score.  Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. 

What is the Main Idea?

Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.


Nonfiction Review: what are some text features you may see that can help you figure out what an article is about?

Title, images, captions, subheadings.


The lesson, moral, or message about life that is communicated by a literary work (novels, stories, fables, poems).

What is THEME?


Sam and his brother Tim each have their own rooms. Sam likes to make his bed every morning, but Tim never makes his bed. Sam folds all his clothes before putting them away, but Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor.
What word can be used to describe Tim?


Answer: That Tim is very messy 


 What type of context clue?

Unlike my BOISTEROUS older brother, I always wake up exhausted in the morning.

What is an antonym - a word that has an opposite meaning?


There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach.  Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed.  Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells.  Some people simply like to sunbathe.

What is the main idea?

There are many fun things to do at the beach.


Fiction review: 

Sentence Stems to Citing Textual Evidence...

1. "According to the passage...."  

2. The author stated....

3. In the second paragraph....

4. The author mentioned...

5. On the third page...

6. The text stated...

7. Based on the text.....


Which of the following is an example of THEME? 

A.  How much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 

B. Carry your laptops with two hands at all times. 

C. Life is short; make the most of it 

D. Cereal is the healthiest food you can eat. 

What is C - Life is short, make the most of it?


Michael and Seth are on their way to Benson State Park. They like to go to the park on weekends during the winter. They like to skate on the frozen lake. Every day, the park ranger checks the ice on the lake. If it is safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS SAFE. If it is not safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS NOT SAFE. Michael and Seth are at the park. They read the sign for today, and then put on their skates.
The reader can conclude that...

Today is a safe day for skating.


Use context clues to decide on the meaning of the word in red: Next week I start fifth grade.  Since I've never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally and completely petrified.

What does petrified mean, according to the text? 




Benjamin Franklin loved the city of Philadelphia. He started the city’s first hospital and fire department. Ben also started Philadelphia’s first public library. Benjamin Franklin worked very hard to make Philadelphia a better place to live.

Benjamin Franklin worked hard to make his city a great place to live.


Fiction review: name two things you should underline or annotate in a fiction text as you read it? What should you be on the look out for?

-When a character shows feeling or a change

-When the story changes or something unexpected happens

-When there is a lot of detail, descriptive language being used