Main Idea
Context Clues
Author's Purpose

The definition of main idea.

What the story is mostly about.

The definition of context clues.
Using clues from a story to figure out to figure out the meaning of an unknown word

What is author's purpose?

Knowing why the author writes in a certain way for their audience. Usually to PERSUADE, INFORM, or ENTERTAIN


What is the theme of a story?

The lesson or moral of the story.

The definition of an inference.
What is using background knowledge and clues from the story to understand what is going on in the story

Identify the main idea. 

On rainy days, you need to make sure you dress properly. It is important to wear shoes that keep the rain out. I have a special pair of rain boots. You need to wear a raincoat to keep the rain off your clothes. It is also important to wear a rain hat or to use an umbrella to keep your head dry.

On rainy days, you need to make sure you dress properly.


Our hockey team was far superior to any other team in the league. We had not lost a game yet! What does "superior" mean?

The best/better than the rest.


The author's purpose in writing the book, "The Amazing Collection of Joey Cornell is to: 

a. to give facts about different objects

b. to tell how Joey would collect objects 

c. to convince the reader to be like Joey 

d. teach about the life of Joey Cornell and how he used his collection to make art

d. teach about the life of Joey Cornell and how he used his collection to make art


What is the theme of this story?

Mark was born rich. He never had to work a day in his life and he got everything handed to him on a silver platter. By the time he was twenty-one, Mark was bored with life. He was surrounded by a bunch of possessions that he didn't appreciate and Mark could find anything new or exciting in his life. Despite his wealth, Mark was never satisfied.

Money can't buy you happiness.


Every day for two weeks, Gabby asked if it was her birthday yet. She was looking forward to her party. On the day before the party, she kept asking if it was time every few hours. How was Gabby feeling?



Main Idea: Kangaroo tails are muscular, long and thick at the base. Which is a supporting detail? 

A. Their tails help them balance and turn when they're hopping. 

B. Kangaroos also have a pouch, where they carry their babies. 

C. Kangaroos live in Australia. 

D. Kangaroos kick their hind legs to defend themselves against predators.

Their tails help them balance and turn when they're hopping.


The boy lingered in the stands after the concert. He was hoping to watch the band members pack up. What does "lingered" mean?

To stay around.


A Pittsburgh Steelers fan writes a newspaper article titled, "The Best Football Team in The Nation." The purpose of this article is to: 

a. tell a story about his son who went to a Steelers game 

b. teach how to play football 

c. persuade or convince the reader that The Steelers are the best

c. persuade or convince the reader that The Steelers are the best


What is the theme of this story?

A tiny mouse accidentally disturbs a lion from his rest. To the mouse's surprise and delight, the lion decides to let her go free. Later, when the lion is caught in a poacher's net, the mouse nibbles through the rope and, returning the favour, sets the lion free.

We should treat all people with respect and not act like we are better than others.


Bobby's dog Pilot somehow got loose. Bobby hasn't seen him for several days. Bobby doesn't feel like eating, and he can't sleep. He just wants Pilot to come home. How does Bobby feel about losing his dog?



Identify the main idea. 

On my birthday, my teacher gave me a special birthday sticker. My mom baked me a special chocolate cake. My brother gave me a special present. My birthday was a very special day.

My birthday was a very special day.


Keep your speech concise to save time. We have many students who need to present their reports. What does "concise" mean?



What is the author's main purpose in writing "Drawing Animals?" 

a. to describe the way animals look 

b. to instruct how to draw animals 

c. to give facts about animals

d. to tell a story about animals

instruct how to draw animals


Jason's mom worked hard for what they had. Every day that he went to school, he was jealous of the fancy clothes other kids had. That night he talked to his mom and understood their situation. He then watched the news and saw how others had less than him. What is a possible theme for this story?

Be thankful for what you have.


Hank fell off his brand new bicycle. He cut his leg, so he went home to clean the cut. He could not stop the bleeding. His mom decided to take him to the doctor. What will most likely happen next?

The doctor will put stitches in his leg.


Identify the main idea.

Horses run away from danger. If cornered, they will kick or bite. A porcupine has sharp quills that protect it from its enemies. Opossums play dead to avoid danger. A kangeroo kicks out with their powerful hind legs.

What is animals defend themselves in different ways to avoid danger.


The auditorium looks like it is filled to capacity. I don't think we will find an empty seat. What does "capacity" mean?

Largest amount possible.


Most people think that gorillas are mean, but actually they are shy. It seems that such a huge animal with very large teeth would be aggressive. Hollywood movies help convey this image of the scary, ferocious gorilla. In fact, gorillas only attack if they are provoked. However, gorillas usually don't have to fight other animals because of their impressive size. 

The author believes that 

a. Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals. 

b. Gorillas are mean animals. 

c. Gorillas don't like other animals. 

d. Gorillas communicate well with other animals.

a. Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals.


What is the theme of this story?

A crow has found a piece of cheese and went to a branch to eat it. A fox, wanting it for himself, calls it beautiful and wondering whether its voice is as sweet to match. When the crow lets out a caw, the cheese falls and is devoured by the fox.

Be careful who you trust.


Jenny was nervous about her math test. It really wasn't her best subject. She studied hard every night for a whole week. After the teacher handed out the tests, Jenny looked her copy over and smiled. What probably caused Jenny to smile?

She knew she was going to do well or she knew how to do all the things on the test.