Writing Rules
Literary Terms
Narrative Writing
Literary Analysis Writing
Research Simulation Writing

Every piece of writing must have a __________.

What is a title?


I have made these questions easy as pie for most of you.

What is a simile?


A narrative prompt asks you to respond to a piece of _________ writing.

What is fiction?


This is the type of source document you will read before writing a literary analysis.

What is literature?


The source documents for a research simulation will be ________________ articles.

What are informational?


An essay's first paragraph must have this.

What is a thesis statement?


If I've given you one example I have given you a million examples of this literary device.

What is hyperbole?


A narrative prompt might ask you to write from a different character's ______ _______ ________.

What is point of view?


Authors usually develop a theme through the actions of ____.

What are the characters?


You may have this many source documents for this task, and one many even be a video.

What are two or three?


When writing a response you should always make sure to write this. (diary, journal, newspaper article ect.)

What is "what they ask for"?


A central lesson in a text, such as with great power comes great responsibility.

What is a theme?


You should make sure that you are using __________ __________ in your writing to describe who is in your story accurately.

What are character traits? 


You may have to ________ and _______ the two source documents.

What are compare and contrast?


A ____ by ____ essay structure means that you write about all of the subjects in each body paragraph and the focus of each paragraph is on a different characteristic.

What is point by point?


Any essay should have this as its last paragraph.

What is a conclusion?


The wind whistled through the trees and danced along my arms as I stood in the night air. 

What is personification? 


True or False: There is a minimum number or paragraphs that you should write in a narrative response.

False: When the speaker changes, a new paragraph begins so there could be many paragraphs in a single story or response. 


You should write this many paragraphs during this task.

What is 4 or 5?


The minimum number of paragraphs for this task.

What is 5?


All strong and well written body paragraphs begin with this.

What is a transition word?


Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers for example.

What is alliteration? 


Narrative writing will be more exciting and readers will learn more about characters when this is included, but don't forget the quotation marks (" ")!

What is dialogue?


During this kind of analysis, all of the details from one source document are in one paragraph while all of the details from the other source document are in a second, resulting in 4 paragraph essays. 

What is a subject by subject comparison?


You are writing an ____________ essay to answer the prompt.

What is informative?