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PonyBoy Curtis

Pony, 14, youngest brother, no common sense, pensive, lonely, smart, narrator, long light brown hair (almost red), greenish gray eyes, hair is long in front and squared off in back


Johnny Cade

Greaser, 16, black eyes, tanned face, black long hair, smaller person, shaggy bangs, abused and ignored by parents, gang pet, nervous, jumpy 


Darrel Curtis

Darry, oldest brother, 20, 6'2, blue green eyes, broad shoulders, has muscles, dark brown long hair, guardian, firm, cold face expression, protective, insensitive


Steve Randle

Greaser, 17, tall, lean, curly, thick, and greasy hair, dark eyes, strong, cocky, smart


SodaPop Curtis

Soda, Second brother, 16 turning 17, handsome, slim, long hair, sensitive face, dark gold hair, dark brown eyes, happy, open, dropout, care free, empathetic, understanding, sensitive


Sherry Valance

Cherry? Red hair, pretty smile, gorgeous, cheerleader, nice to ponyboy


Keith Mathews

Two Bit Mathews, 18 1/2, greaser, 6'0 has muscles, long rusty colored side burns, grey eyes, wide grin, talkative, happy, good fighter


Dallas Winston

Greaser, (no age yet), elfish face, high cheek bones, pointed chin, small animal teeth, ears like a lynx, blonde hair almost white, reckless, irresponsible, hateful, wild