Make an Inference
Make a Prediction
Text Features
Figurative Language
Text Structure

Read the following passage and make an inference on Dr. Forester and Tess's behavior.

Amy thought it was strange, too. What was even stranger, though, was the look Dr. Forester and Tess exchanged as the black SUV drove away.

Answers may vary, but need to be backed up with plausible reasoning. 


Using the following passage, make a prediction about the rainwater. 

"Wow, everything is sure drying out quickly," she said. "What happened to all that rainwater?"

Evaporated into water vapor


What is the purpose of a title?

Identifies the topic of the text/tells what the text will be about.


The following sentence is an example of what type of figurative language?

Her hands were as cold as ice. 



A text called All About Butterflies would be written in what text structure?



Read the following passage and make an inference about Kristal's personality. 

Kristal was silent for a while. "Okay, I promise I will, but only-only if there is no one else around. Otherwise, people will make fun of my drawings."

Answers may vary, but should include Kristal being shy. 


Read the following passage and make a prediction on why someone would take the fossil.

"Maybe Dr. Forester simply mislaid it," Matt suggested, "like Dad does with his car keys all the time. There's no evidence someone took it, and why would they?"

Answers may vary, but should be backed up with plausible reasoning. 


What text structure shows what words are important or what words can be found in the glossary?

Bold print


"Beep beep!" is an example of what type of figurative language?



What text structure explains what is alike and what is different about two things?

Compare and Contrast


Read the following passage and make an inference on Julian's relationship with his father. 

"I'm not only going to be famous," Julian said, triumphantly, "I'm going to be rich. Just look at the size of that nugget. My dad is going to be so proud of me!"

Answers may very, but must include his need to impress his father.  


Read the following passage and make a prediction on whether Daria is telling the truth or not. 

"Oh-um-I used the flashlight on my phone," Daria said quickly. "Good night!" She spun on her heel and headed for her cot. 

Answers may be true or false, but need to be backed up with plausible reasoning. 


The following is an example of what text feature?



What is a metaphor?

A comparison of two things without using the words 'like' or 'as'


Biographies and historical texts need to be written in what text structure?



Read the following passage and make an inference on Amy's personality.

Kristal fell asleep within minutes, but Amy decided to read until Daria came in. 

Answers may vary, but need to include her concern for others. 


Read the following passage and make a prediction on whether or not Kristal will uphold her promise. 

"I know, I know," Kristal whispered. "I promise I'll show my sketches to Dr. Forester tomorrow. I need to get my courage up."

Answers my vary, but need to be backed up with plausible reasoning. 


What is the purpose of a caption?

Explains what a photograph or illustration is about.


What type of figurative language is being used in the following sentence?

The daisies were dancing in the sunlight.



If you needed to write a paragraph about the rules of football, what text structure would you be using?

Cause and Effect


Read the following passage and make an inference about Amy's suspicion.

No matter how many times she read through the list, however, she couldn't make sense of any of them, and finally decided, like Dr. Forester had with the small fossils, that there wasn't enough evidence to draw any conclusions. But from now on she was going to keep a closer eye on Daria- and Felix. 

Answers may vary, but must be backed up with plausible reasoning. 


Read the following passage and predict whether or not the squirrels are a reasonable suspect. 

"Those little ground squirrels are all over these badlands," said Tess, chickling. "They are very good at stealing food. I've known them to make off with other small objects they think might be food, too."

Answers may very, but need to be backed up with plausible reasoning.


What text feature organizes and helps compare information in a visual way?



Which of the following sentences is an example of a metaphor?

Mr. Doyle was fast as cheetah playing dodgeball. 

The service in the restaurant was lightning fast. 

The service in the restaurant was lightning fast. 


The following is an example of what text structure?

Due to poor weather, the Fun Run couldn't be done in the field. To keep students safe and dry, it was moved to a covered area. 

Problem and Solution