Context Clues
Mood/Context Clues
Tone/Context Clues
Context Clues
Figurative Language

The fifty pound pumpkin was gargantuan in size. What does gargantuan mean?

A. Small

B. Large

C. Average

D. Colorful

What is.....

B. Large


The mood of the passage is determined by this....

Multiple Choice

A. The part of speech

B. The author

C. The audience/reader

What is..

C. The audience/reader


The tone is determined by....

Multiple Choice

A. The literary audience

B. The  critique audience

C. The author

D. The publisher

What is...

C. The author


When you are reading and come to an unknown word, what should you do first?

A. Look for clues in the sentence

B. Ask your teacher

C. Look it up in the dictionary

D. Skip it

What is 

A. Look for clues in the sentence


True or False

Figurative language is a tool that an author uses, to help the reader visualize, or see, what is happening in a story or poem.

What is..



Based on context clues in the passage below, migrate means: Many Northern birds migrate for the winter. They return in the spring.

Multiple Choice

A. Lay eggs

B. Eat

C. Move away

D. Sing

What is 

C. Move Away


“Meg knelt at her mother’s feet. The warmth and light of the kitchen had relaxed her so that her attic fears were gone. The cocoa steamed fragrantly in the saucepan; geraniums bloomed on the window sills and there was a bouquet of tiny yellow chrysanthemums in the center of the table. The curtains, red, with a blue and green geometrical pattern were drawn and seemed to reflect their cheerfulness throughout the room. The furnace purred like a great, sleepy animal; the lights glowed with steady radiance…” (16)





What is...



The part of a personal narrative essay that "catches" the audience's attention.......

A. introduction paragraph

B. hook

C. topic sentence

D. conclusion sentence

B. What is "the hook"


Based on the context clues in the sentence below, ornate means: 

The large vase was covered from top to bottom in a hand carved and ornate design. It must have taken weeks, or even months to create!!!

Multiple Choice

A. Simple

B. Beautiful

C. Detailed

D. Relieved

What is 

C. Detailed


_________ is giving human qualities, feelings, actions, or characteristics to inanimate non living objects.

A. Alliteration

B. Personification

C. Metaphor

D. Onomatopoeia

What is...

B. Personification


The GARRULOUS boy rambled on continuously as he told his mother about his day at school. What does GARRULOUS mean?

A. Quiet

B. Secretive

C. Talkative

D. Exhausted

What is...

C. Talkative


Mrs. Roker's classroom was buzzing with excitement. It was the day before Thanksgiving break was to begin, and many politicians from Pine Bluff visited the 7th grade classroom. The teacher was trying to keep the twenty-four 12 year interested, but she felt like she was losing the battle. Boys were playfully shoving each other, while some girls were hopping on one foot. Everyone was talking, so no one heard the teacher ask them to take a seat in their assigned location. Mrs. Roker took a deep breath and looked at the clock. Two more hours to go....

What is the mood created by this passage? Provide an explanation.

What is....

disappointment, sense of giving up, anger(answers will be vote on by teachers...)


Again they searched METICULOUSLY, but no keys. Where could they be? They've looked everywhere!!! If you did something METICULOUSLY, that means to....

A. to look for something without enthusiasm

B. trying to finish quickly

C. showing great attention to detail


What is...

C. Showing great attention to detail


After fighting for days, they finally RESOLVED their disagreement. What does RESOLVED mean?

Multiple Choice

A. Found a solution

B. Started again

C. Kept on fighting

What is....

A. Found a solution

Example: "It was raining cats and dogs."

A. Symbolism

B. Alliteration

C. Hyperbole

D. Personification

What is...

C. Hyperbole


What do you call a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?

A. Explanation

B. Synonym

C. Antonym

D. Homonym

What is....

C. Antonym


What two factors can alter the mood of a passage?

A. Tone/Tone Indicators

B. Title/Ending

C. Setting/Atmosphere

What is...

C. Setting/Atmosphere


They were ECSTATIC at the birth of their baby. They couldn't stop smiling for days. Using context clues, determine the meaning/definition of the bolded word.

A. Nervous

B. Discouraged

C. Excited

D. Relieved

What is....

C. Excited


The mummies of Egypt are very old, and well-preserved. So people think the Egyptians had special ways of EMBALMING. Actually, it was the dry air that helped them preserve the dead. What does EMBALMING mean?

A. Making pyramids

B. Keeping dead things alive

C. Keeping bodies from decaying or falling apart

D. Keeping dead things dead

What is...

C. Keeping bodies from decaying or falling apart


Example: "The clanging pots and pans awoke the baby."

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Alliteration

D. Onomatopoeia

What is...

D. Onomatopoeia


"He couldn't see the school building; it was shrouded by smoke and dust." What does the word shrouded mean?

A. ruined

B. covered

C. bounced

D. happy

What is...

B. covered


Mary carefully carried her mug of hot cocoa and cozy blanket to the living room sofa. It was 6:30 in the morning, and all was quiet in the house except for the constant hum of the refrigerator coming from the kitchen. Mary enjoyed this quiet time of the early morning, before everyone else in the family awake. Mary reached for her notebook and took a sip of cocoa as she began to draft a poem.

What is the mood created by the this passage(Mary's Story)

What is....

Peaceful, poetic, calm(or any answer related to the previous choices)


Which of the following does NOT create mood in a story?

Setting Description



Character Speech/Feeling

What is...



Mrs. Hopley and her teachers never let us forget why we were at Lincoln: for those who were alien, to become good Americans; for those who were so born, to accept the rest of us.

Using context clues, what is the meaning of the word alien in this sentence?

A. a small creature from outer space

B. a person from another country

C. someone who doesn't fit in

D. a human from Albania

What is...

B. a person from another country


Identify the following example of figurative language...

"Can you keep the cat from clawing the couch? Its creating chaos?"

A. Onomatopoeia

B. Personification

C. Alliteration

D. Hyperbole

E. Metaphor

F. Simile

What is....

C. Alliteration