English Grammar
English Lit
Time Periods of Lit

A Noun is?

What is a person place or thing?


A Wrinkle in Time was written by this Author:

Who is Madeleine L'Engle?


"April" was written by:

Who is Mary Oliver?


A period is used to do this:

What is end a sentence?


In the USA we are currently in what period of literature? 

What is Contemporary literature? 


A Verb is?

What is an action word?


The most banned book in the English Language is this book:

What is "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger?


A feather is actually what in this poem?

What is hope?


An exclamation mark indicates:

What is an exclamation?


Young Adult Fiction generally follows one character facing real-world issues.  True or False?

What is True.


This "tion" is an example of what?

What is an orthographic spelling pattern?


Eric Blair wrote "Animal Farm":

What is True?


Mr. Dennis once named his Cat Gertrude after the poet Gertrude Stien. True or False.

What is True?


What is an exclamation?

What is something that is an interjection or a 'crying out' of something?


Emily Dickinson is considered part of what literary movement?

What is, Emily Dickinson is often considered a major figure in the American Romantic period, but some critics say she is not a romantic poet. Dickinson was influenced by the Romantic and Transcendentalist movements, and her work reflects elements of both Romanticism and Realism. However, Dickinson was a solitary figure who worked in isolation and was not part of any group or movement. She also began writing as Romanticism was transitioning into Realism in the 1830s, when the movement was losing momentum. 


A Participle is?

What is a Verb acting as an Adjective?


Mark Twain is considered the greatest USA Author.  Mark Twain is best known for these two novels:

What are "The Adventures of Tom Saywer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."?


The 3 female Poets Introduced thus far have been:

Who are Mary Oliver, Gertrude Stein, and Emily Dickinson?


"I invited my parents, Beyoncé and Jay-Z." might indicate that my parents are Beyoncé & Jay-Z.  This use of "this" can solve this confusion.

What is an Oxford Comma?  

"I invited my parents, Beyoncé, and Jay-Z."

Oxford Comma is the last comma used in a list of 3 or more items.


William Shakespeare wrote during this literary period. 

What is the the English Renaissance or the Early Modern Period?


A Gerund is?

What is Verb acting as a Noun?


“Travel is fatal to prejuidce, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”  Who said this quote?

Who is Mark Twain?


The Author of "Cold Missouri Waters" is?

Who Is James Keelaghan?


An em is:

What is a long dash?


The first poem was titled, and written then:

What is the "Epic of Gilgamesh" usually comes up as the first recorded example of poetry. It dates to the 18th century BC and is Sumerian. In case you’ve forgotten, Sumer was a pretty important civilization in the Fertile Crescent, an area then known as Mesopotamia and now called (southern) Iraq.