Literary Nonfiction
Expository Text
Test-Taking Strategies
This is the point of view an autobiography is written in.
What is first-person point of view?
This is the author's purpose of expository text.
What is to inform or to explain?
Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. In the above sentence, what does “esteemed” mean? a. held over boiling water b. very old c. unable to chew gum d. greatly admired
What is d. greatly admired
This is our strategy for main idea questions.
What is the tally mark strategy?
When someone speaks out loud, this is what should be used.
What are quotation marks? "Hi there!"
These are the pronouns used in third-person point of view.
What are he, she, they, them...
This tells you what each section or group of paragraphs is about.
What is a subtitle?
Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only men could vote in the United states until 1920. Based on the clues in the sentence, what is “suffrage” ? a. something that causes physical pain b. the right to vote c. skirts that did not cover ankles d. an early flag
What is b. the right to vote
This is our strategy for summary questions.
What is the BME strategy?
This is the punctuation that could be used to show excitement or to signify someone is shouting.
What is an exclamation point? Help! OMG I am so excited for the party!
This is when the author uses details that appeal to your sense of sight, taste, smell, touch, or sound.
What is sensory language?
This is what a passage is mostly about.
What is the main idea?
Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! In the above sentence, the word "rash" means: a. an itchy skin condition b. funny c. trying to hide or disguise a piece of cheese d. with little thought or consideration
What is d. with little thought or consideration
For vocabulary questions, these are two things we can use.
What are the dictionary and context clues?
Crystal likes camping in the mountains. Crystal is an experienced hiker. This transition word should be placed in front of sentence 2. A) However, B) Also, C) Since,
What is B) Also,
This is the lesson we can all learn from the passage.
What is theme?
These are three examples of text features.
What are title, subtitle, timeline, map, chart, graph, photograph, caption, illustration...
As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her. In the above passage, the word “frozen” means _______. a. very cold b. visible c. not moving d. not melted
What is c. not moving
True or False: I can skip over the text features in a passage.
What is FALSE?
There are things that need to be done to improve the company. We can begin by organizing the files. This transitional phrase should go at the beginning of sentence 2. A) For instance, B) Next, C) Consequently,
What is A) For instance,
This is the difference between a simile and a metaphor.
What is a simile uses "like" or "as" and a metaphor does not?
This is how a text is organized.
What is the organizational pattern?
The United States has a vast amount of newly discovered clean geothermal (natural heat from the Earth’s crust) energy. Tapping into this energy source could provide at least 10 times the energy that can be obtained from the nation’s known coal reserves. What does “vast” mean? a. a large amount b. not enough c. dangerous d. having no known use
What is a. a large amount
For revising and editing questions, this is what you should always do.
What is plug each answer choice back into the sentence/passage?
There are three things I want for Christmas a dress, a phone, and shoes. This change needs to be made to the above sentence.
What is add a colon after Christmas... There are three things I want for Christmas: a dress, a phone, and shoes.