Figurative Language
Parts of Speech
Context Clues
Revising and Editing

This type of figurative language compares two unlike things using "like" or "as"

What is a Simile?


Name the noun/s in the sentence.

What is Analisa washes her birthday dress in the washing machine? 


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the the underlined word.

If you want to go on the guided tour, you need to be punctual. The tour guides begin at 9:00 am and not a minute later?

A. prepared

b. late

c. on time

d. polite

What is on time?


Which one is the correct spelling?

What is

A) My freind is funny?

B) My friend is funny?

C) My frend is funny?


Where would the comma go in the following: 

She is a lovely kind girl.

What is: She is a lovely, kind girl.


This type of figurative language is when the word imitates the sound.

What is onomatopoeia?


Name the pronoun/s in the sentence.

400 extra points for naming the type of pronoun.

What is Aiden made all the cookies himself?

What is intensive pronoun?


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the the underlined word.

Last year I ran the entire 6 mile race, this year however I will be happy to just be a spectator.

a. a person who participates

b. a person who helps

c. a person who runs

d. a person who watches

What is a person that watches?


Which one is the correct spelling?

What is

A) We laffed at Riey's joke?

B) We laghed at Riley's joke?

C) We laughed at Riley's joke?


 Lizette found out about cheerleading tryouts a few weeks ago and she was excited.

What change, if any, should be made to sentence 1?

A. Change weeks to week’s

B. Insert a comma after ago

C. Change found to finds

D. No change should be made

What is B?


This type of figurative language compares two things without using like or as.

What is a metaphor?


Name the preposition/s in the sentence.

What is Jonathon hid under the table?


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the the underlined word.

Yesterday was a wonderful day to fly a kite, the wind speed was ideal.

a. perfect

b. too fast

c. too slow

d. troublesome

What is perfect?


What is the correct spelling?

What is 

A) Allie received an Amazon package?

B) Allie recieved an Amazon package?


 Every week Francisco was put in charge of mowing the lawn, washing the dishes, vacuuming the house, and taking the dog for a walk. 

What change, if any, should be made in the sentence?

A. Change vacuuming to vacuming

B. Delete the comma after house 

C. Insert a comma after week

D. Make no change

What is C?


Identify the figurative language: "The rabbit was as slow as a sloth"

What is a simile?


Name the interjection/s in the sentence.

What is Ms. Meerkatz says, Wow! Bet, this grub is bussin. Eli yells No! Ms. Meerkatz is so cringe?


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the the underlined word.

It is easy to see my dad's disdain when he sees me playing video games instead of doing my chores. 

a. to fear something

b. to have a strong dislike for something

c. to listen carefully

d. to watch carefully

What is to have a strong dislike for something?


What are the misspelled words in this sentence?

Extra 100 points for each word spelled correctly.

What is acording to the calender the junior high boys play football tonite? 


The best option for parents are to make sure their child has a curfew that keeps them out of harm’s way and in a safe environment at night.

A. Change are to is

B. Change child to children

C. Insert a comma after way

D. Change environment to enviroment

What is A?


This type of figurative language gives human qualities to non-human or non-living things.

What is personification?



What are conjunctions?

What word do we use to remember conjunctions and what does it mean?

What comes just before a conjunction?

What is conjunctions connect two or more words or phrases together.

What is FANBOYS?

What is For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So?

What is a comma?


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the the underlined word.

The lake was full on anglers on the day of the fishing tournament, all hoping to win the grand prize.

a. people who are fishing

b. a type of fish

c. people who like to eat fish

d. boats

Who are people who are fishing? 


Find the spelling errors.

500 extra points if you can spell all the spelling errors correctly. 

What is Kyson can't dicide if he shud ware jeans or a suite to his frends wedding. They getting married at the place over their? 


I want to look back at old pictures and see all the fun times I have growing up with a dog.

What change should be made to the sentence?

A. Change have to had

B. Change a to an

C. Change pictures to pictures’

D. Insert a semicolon after pictures

What is A?