Figurative Language

What figurative language is used in the phrase "as brave as a lion"?



The story describes a character wearing a heavy coat and shivering, with snow falling outside. What can you infer about the story's setting?

It is likely winter and very cold.


If someone says, "Time is a thief," what type of figurative language are they using?



A character in a story often feels sad after their friend moves away. What can you infer about the character's relationship with their friend?

They had a close friendship.


In the sentence "The wind whispered through the trees," what figurative language is present, and what does it mean?

Personification, A gentle breeze is blowing through the branches of trees, creating a soft, rustling sound that is often described as a "whisper".


The author writes about a character who helps others even when they are having a tough day. What can you infer about the author's message regarding kindness?

Kindness is important, even during difficult times.


If a character says, "I've told you a million times to clean your room," what type of figurative language is being used, and what do they mean?

Hyperbole, Someone has repeated information to another person many times, to the point of exasperation.


In a mystery story, the detective finds a broken window and muddy footprints leading away from the scene. What can you infer about what may have happened?

Someone may have broken in and left in a hurry.


What figurative language is used in the phrase "It's raining cats and dogs"? And what does it mean?

Idiom, it is pouring rain (raining really hard).


In a story where the main character learns to stand up for themselves after being bullied, what can you infer about the theme?

The theme is about self-empowerment and resilience.