Text Structure
Main Idea
Text Features
Summarizing & Synthesizing

It rained for the first few days of the camping trip. As a result, most of the campers were restless and wanted to go home.

What is cause/effect?


What is a main idea?

A main idea is the most important part of a paragraph.


Words under a picture that tells you about the picture.

What is a caption?


What does it mean to "summarize" something?

To tell, in your own words, what has happened in the story.


How would you revise these sentences to be more effective?

The fish is silver. The fish is swimming.

The silver fish is swimming.


Getting into a saddle can be difficult if you have never been on a horse. First, stand on the left side of the horse. While holding the reins, place your hands on the horn of the saddle. Then, put your left foot into the stirrup with your toes facing toward the front of the horse. Next, use your right foot to push your body off the ground to shift your weight into the left stirrup. Then, swing your right leg over the horse's saddle. Put your right foot into the stirrup on the right side of the horse.

What is chronological order/sequence?


What is a supporting detail?

Supporting details are details that tell you more about the main idea.


Feature that help us learn where things are located in the world.

What is a map.


This strategy requires you to draw conclusions by "reading between the lines."

What is "inferencing"


Where should the comma(s) be? 

Although I studied all night I wasn't ready for the test.

Although I studied all night, I wasn't ready for the test.

I have a lot of different pairs of shoes. While I do own some Nike shoes, the majority are Adidas. I think Nike tennis shoes are more comfortable but Adidas tennis shoes are more stylish. 

What is compare/contrast?


What is author's purpose?

Author's purpose refers to the reason why they decided to write the text. There are usually 3 main reasons why an author might write a text: (1) to persuade, (2) to inform, (3) to entertain.

BONUS: what reason have we been focusing on in Unit 3?


Feature that tell the main ideas and what pages they are on.

What is the table of contents.


What does it mean to make a connection?

To connect what you're reading to something in your life, the world, or another text.


How would you revise this sentence? 

Johnny bought cotton candy he dropped some on his dad's shoe.

Johnny bought cotton candy and dropped some on his dad's shoe. 


In my neighborhood, there is a house that everyone thinks is haunted. Dark, overgrown bushes surround the yard. The porch creaks whenever you step on it. At night, only a few lights shine. Sometimes, they seem to flicker on and off mysteriously.

What is description?


How will the title of a passage help you when looking for the main idea?

It will tell you the topic for what the text will be about.


Feature that is an alphabetical listing of items covered in the book and their page numbers.

What is the index.


What does it mean to come to a conclusion/to conclude? 

What is... using information that is implied or inferred to make meaning out of what is not clearly stated.


How would you revise these sentences to be more effective? 

The hiker when off the trail. The trail was the Western Cedar Trail. The trail was difficult.

The hiker went off the difficult Western Cedar Trail.


Quinn could not stop wiggling his tooth. It was loose, and it was annoying him. He kept pushing it back and forth with his tongue. It was hard for him to concentrate in school. Eating was difficult too. Quinn tried not to chew anything crunchy on that side of his mouth for fear it would hurt. One day he was eating a chewy piece of candy. He forgot about the loose tooth for a moment. Suddenly, he realized that the loose tooth was no longer attached to his gum. He spit the candy into his hand and plucked the tooth out of it. Quinn was happy to be free of that nuisance.

What is problem/solution?


The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's.The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time. When the canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State.Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies the 363 miles.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's.


Feature that includes hints within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words. 

What are context clues.


What is synthesizing?

Make new meaning as you read


How would you revise these sentences to be more effective? 

Our team ate a whole plate of burgers. We also ate a giant basket of fries.

Our team at a whole plate of burgers and a giant basket of fries.