What kind of joint is the Elbow?
Hinge joint
Medical term for bruising?
What is the treatment for a contusion?
Rest, ice, compression, elevation
Where is the medial epicondyle?
Point to location..
Medial side of elbow
What is a Valgus Strain?
A lateral force causes a strain on the medial side.
What is the treatment for a Ganglion Cyst?
Wait it out.
Where is the radial styloid?
Point to location
Medical name for Tennis Elbow?
Lateral Epicondylitis
What is the treatment for a jersey fracture?
A surgery to reattach the tendon to the base of the fingertip.
How many heads does a Biceps Brachii have?
2 heads
What is the MOI for a Boxers Fracture?
Slamming a clenched fist against a solid object.
Protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation
Proper warm up and focus on form
Where is the cubital tunnel?
Point to location
What is the MOI of a Volkmanns Contacture?
The muscles contract because of the absence of blood flow.
What is an example of an NSAID
aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen