Name all 3 bones of the elbow
Ulna, Radius, Humerus
T/F you should seek immediate medical attention for a dislocated elbow
What causes tennis elbow?
tendon tears
When your forearm moves to your body by bending at the elbow
Name of joint that connects the Ulna to the Humerus
T/F you should treat an Ulnar Nerve Injury with R.I.C.E.
What is the difference between an elbow strain and sprain?
A muscle strain occurs when muscles are stretched past normal limits and become injured. While, a muscle sprain occurs when ligaments are stretched past normal limits and become torn.
Name four motions of the elbow
Flexion, Extension, Pronation, Supination
What type of joint is the elbow
Synovial ; hinge
T/F an athletic trainer can reduce the pain of an elbow dislocation by popping it back into place
What are three signs/symptoms of an Ulnar Nerve Injury
Tingling of the fourth and fifth phalanges, loss of grip strength, loss of coordination in fingers, loss of grip strength
what motions occur at the humeroulnar joint
flexion, extension, circumduction
What ligament is important for stability to a valgus force, if torn, it is a problem in baseball players, specifically pitchers?
Ulnar Collateral Ligament
Name two elbow injuries that can be treated with R.I.C.E.
Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis
A softball player increased the number and speed of her pitches within the past week, she complains of pain in medial aspect of elbow and pain during flexion/extension of wrist. She is also point tender over her medial epicondyle. What injury is this?
Medial Epicondylitis
What 2 muscles allow elbow extension to occur?
Triceps Brachii and Anconeus Muscle
What bone can you palpate the medial and lateral epicondyles?
Proper treatment for an elbow fracture
immediate medical attention, possible reconstructive surgery, wearing a splint
A baseball player fell on an outstretched hand (FOOSH) and complains of severe pain, swelling, and he cannot properly bend his arm. What injury could this athlete be experiencing?
Elbow dislocation
What motion occurs at the proximal radioulnar joint?
Pronation and Supination