extended arm and thumb in closed fist, ulnar deviate. (+)...
Finkelstein's test (De Quervains)
(+) pain along APL and EPB
Apply a force on the inner aspect of the elbow at 0 and 20 degrees. (+)...
Varus Stress Test (LCL)
(+) replication of pain/ increased mobility w/o distinct end feel.
Abduct the arm 15 degrees. Turn head up and face towards same arm. palpate the radial pulse. (+)...
Adson's test
(+) loss of pulse
Apply a force on the lateral elbow at 0 and 20 degrees.
Valgus Stress Test
(+) Pain at MCL area and no distinct end feel.
Bent arms and let hands fall in. stay there for 1 minute
Phalen's Test (medial nn)
elbow extended, pronated forearm. pt makes fist and radially deviates, PT resists extension in this position.
Cozen's resisted wrist extension test
(+) pain at lateral epicondyle
Place arm in 90 degree abduction and into full ER. go past plane of body. Check for pulse.
Hyperabduction Test
arm extended, Forearm supinated, Resist wrist flexion & lil ulnar deviation.
Resisted Wrist Flexion Test
(+) pain at medial epicondyle (medial epicondylalgia)
tap median nerve
Tinel's test
passively pronate forearm. PT Flex and ulnar deviate wrist to max.
Mill's passive tennis elbow stretch test
(+) pain at lateral epicondyle (stretches ECRB/L)
abduct and ER rotate 90 degrees. Open and Close hands for 1 minute. (+)...
Roos Test
(+) reproduce symptoms during fist open and close
elbow extended, supinated forearm. extend and radially deviate wrist to end range.
Passive medial epicondylalgia stretch test
(+) replication of complaints along medial epicondyle
Hold a fist, occlude radial and ulnar arteries. (+)...
Allen's Test
(+) Pink does not come back
Make a fist and 3rd knuckle is in line with the others.
Murphy's Test