Present or past tense?
Countable and uncountable nouns
How much or How many?
Where is it?

What is the present and past tense forms of "be" 

Present tense: is / are

Past tense: was / were


What is an uncountable noun?

Something you cannot count (or is difficult to count).


What question is written correctly?

A. How much cheese is in the fridge? 

B. How many cheese is in the fridge? 

A. How much cheese is in the fridge? 


none = how many? 

(think of a percentage %)



Look at the picture. Use a complete sentence AND a preposition of place to answer the question:

                Where is the cat?

The cat is in front of the box. 


Is the past tense form of walk regular or irregular? 


(walked) -> the -ed on the end makes "walk" a regular verb. 


Give an example of a countable noun AND an uncountable noun. 

Answers may vary. Examples include: 

Countable --> flowers, potatoes, apples, dogs. 

Uncountable --> water, milk, cheese, hair, sugar.


Do we use how much with countable or uncountable nouns? 

Uncountable nouns 


Is the quantifier "a little bit" affirmative (positive) or negative? 



Look at the map. Where is the counseling office? 

Use a directional verb phrase AND a preposition of place to locate the counseling office.


Turn left at the bathrooms. It's across from the cafeteria. 


1. What is the past tense of sleep? 

2. Is it regular or irregular?

1. Slept. 

2. Irregular. 


Organize the nouns into two categories --> Countable and Uncountable


- rice 

- cookies

- people

- money 

- chairs 

- juice 

- fruit 

- plants

Countable: cookies, people, chairs, plants

Uncountable: rice, money, juice, fruit


Look at the picture. Make a question with how much or how many AND there is or there are.

How many potatoes are there?


Use an affirmative quantifier in a sentence AND use a negative quantifier in a sentence. 

Answers may vary. Example: 

There are a lot of people at this school. 

None of the principals are in this classroom. 


Read the paragraph. List ALL of the prepositions of place. 

In the city, the skyscraper stands tall on top of the hill, overlooking the busy streets below. Next to the skyscraper, there's a cafe between two other buildings. An intersection buzzes with cars and people walking to their destinations in front of the cafe. Across from the intersection, there's a beautiful park, providing a peaceful place to picnic. Near the park, there's a market where people sell fresh fruits and vegetables. Behind the market, there's a path leading to a hidden garden filled with colorful flowers. There is a playground between the garden and the park, where children laugh and play.  

on top of 


next to 

in front of

across from 




Write 10 verbs in both past and present tense. 5 must be regular and 5 must be irregular. They must be spelled correctly!

Answers may vary. Example: 

Present tense: eat, walk, talk, play, give, start, sleep, show, grow, take

Past tense: ate, walked, talked, played, gave, started, slept, showed, grew, took. 


Turn water (uncountable) into a countable noun

Answers may vary. Examples: 

- bottles of water

- drops of water

- glasses of water


Write the question to this answer: 

       The phone costs $500. 

Use the correct grammar rules and spelling/punctuation

How much does the phone cost

What quantifier can we use to talk about a large amount of something? 

A lot of 


Where is the art room? 

Start here at this classroom. Use some directional verb phrases and a preposition of place!

Answers may vary. Example: 

Leave the classroom and turn left. Go straight and turn left at the bathrooms. Go straight and take a right at the 400 hallway. The art room is next to the cooking classroom.


What are the present tense forms of the verb "to go"? 

go / goes


Which word is a countable noun? 

A) Air 

B) Ketchup 

C) Songs

C) Songs


Listen to the audio. Identify EACH time someone mentions the phrase "how much" or "how many." Most basic answer must use this structure: 

"How (much / many) _________?"

"How much flour?" 

"How many eggs?"

"How much sugar?" 

"How many teaspoons of vanilla" 

"How much milk?"

"How many chocolate chips?" 


Write a sentence AND draw a corresponding picture to represent the quantifier "plenty"

Sentence must include: 

- there is / there are 

- quantifier 

- countable or uncountable noun 

Answers may vary. Sentence examples: 

- There are plenty of oranges.

- There is plenty of milk in the fridge. 


Write a dialogue between 2 people. One person needs to go to the mall, but does not know where to go. Another person tells them the directions. 

Must include: 

- A greeting and a question

- At least ONE directional verb phrase 

- A preposition of place to locate the mall. 

Answers may vary. Example: 

Person 1: Hi there! Do you know where the mall is? 

Person 2: Hi! Yes, go straight and then turn left at the traffic lights. The mall is next to the bakery.