
an act that results in bodily harm, injury, impariment or disease.

What is physical abuse?


Inflicts emotional pain or distress on its victims.

What is psychological abuse?


Obtaining an individual's money or property by deceiving or enticing the individual, or by forcing, compelling, or coercing the individual to give, sell at less than fair market value, or in other ways convey money or property against his or her will without his or her informed consent

What is the WI State Statute 40.60


Depression, fear, hopelessness, withdrawl or isolation.

What are signs of psychological abuse?


This includes any physical, emotional, financial, or sexual abuse, as well as neglect by others or self-neglect.

What constitutes Elder Abuse in WI?


when people take control of the elder's resources through misrepresentation, coercion or outright theft for their own gain. 

What is financial abuse?


leaving a resident alone for long periods of time, ignoring him or her. 

What are examples of psychological neglect?


Physical disabilities, cognitive impairments and dementia, problem behaviors, and age.

What are risk factors for Elder Abuse?


Forcing a person to sign POA, stealing money or possessions, forcing someone to sign contracts, or charging the older adult for unnecessary services or services never rendered.  

What are examples of financial abuse?


"If you don't take a bath, you don't get to go on the field trip." 

"If you don't eat your lunch, you won't be allowed to pet the therapy dog."

What is an example of deprivation?


failure to provide goods and services necessary for a person's health and well-being

What is physical neglect?


Physical abuse

What are sexual coercion or assult, incorrect positioning, forced feeding, and improper use of physical restraints?


Pursuant to Wisconsin law, health care providers may be required to report at-risk individuals when the health care provider suspects that the at-risk individual is being abused or neglected (including self-neglect).

Who is required to report Elder Abuse?


withholding adequate meals or hydration, physical therapy or hygiene, failure to provide physical aids such as hearing aids, glasses and false teeth, or safety precautions such as night lights or safety bars.  

What is physical neglect?


Is Elder Abuse a felony? 

What is Yes and is a Class C felony


inflicting emotional pain or distress on a victim

What is psychological abuse?


Hitting, slapping, pushing, punching, pinching, burning, or striking with objects

What are examples of physical abuse?


Perpetrators include children, other family members, and spouses—as well as staff at nursing homes, assisted living, and other facilities.

Who are the people that are mostly convicted of Elder Abuse?


Giving a resident too much or too little medication, tying a wandering resident to a chair, rushing a resident or pulling them too fast. 

What are examples of physical abuse?


Physical Abuse

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Neglect or Abandonment by Caregivers

Financial Exploitation

Healthcare Fraud & Abuse.

What are the 6 types of Elder Abuse?


failure to use available resources to sustain or restore the health and security of the older adult. 

What is financial neglect?


Verbal scolding, harassment or intimidation, threatening punishment or deprivation, treating the victim like a child or infant, or isolating the resident from family, friends, or activities.  

What are examples of psychological abuse?


Agency will be notified of the alleged abuse and a written report will be sent within 48 hours.  

What is the time frame to report?


Physical disabilities, cognitive impairments and dementia, problem behaviors, and age.

What are risk factors for Elder Abuse?


Celebrated in June, this week is dedicated to spreading awareness in hopes of preventing Elder Abuse.  

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Month?