Name the Movie this line comes from: "There's no place like home."
The Wizard of Oz
Where were missionaries sent for the first LDS overseas mission?
Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to how many championships?
1950's - Which disease did Dr. Jonas Salk successfully create a vaccine for in 1952?
What is the name of chemist Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's redheaded assistant on "The Muppet Show?"
Name the Movie: "Oh no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast."
King Kong 1933
What was included in the 116 lost pages?
The Book of Lehi
How many numbers are on a dart board?
1960's - Which groundbreaking sci-fi television series premiered in 1966?
Star Trek
Mario Molina picked up a 1995 Chemistry Nobel for his role in discovering that CFCs are a threat to what UV-absorbing portion of Earth's stratosphere?
Double Your Points Bonus! - What is the Chemical Formula for Ozone?
What is the most famous movie line from Kevin Costner's "Field of Dreams"?
"If you build it, He will come."
Original plans for the city of Zion in Missouri included plans for how many temples?
“Gritty” is the viral mascot of which National Hockey League team?
The Philadelphia Flyers
1970's - Which video game was released by Atari in 1972, sparking the arcade game industry?
What element, atomic number 3 on the periodic table, is an essential component of batteries often used to store harvested solar energy?
Who says why you stuck up half-witted scruffy looking nerf herder?
Princess Leia
Double Points Bonus: What was Han Solo's Reponse?
In who's home was the church organized in 1830?
Peter Whitmer
Second Chance or Double Points - What was the month and day?
What MMA fighter has a record 11 UFC title fight wins?
Jon "Bones" Jones
1980s - In which year did the Berlin Wall fall?
Double Points Bonus - Who was the President of Russia at the time the wall fell?
What is the pH of a neutral solution?
To whom was this actor speaking when he said - "You son of a motherless goat!"
El Guapo - Three Amigos
Bonus: Which Amigo Said it?
In what year was the extermination order by Governor Boggs rescinded by the state of Missouri?
When the Cleveland Browns relocated after the 1995 season, what city did they move to?
1990s - What was the name of the service that introduced the phrase “You’ve Got Mail”?
(Minus Points if you still have an AOL email.)
What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?