abruptio placentae is detected when
late in 3rd tri
inc HCG and estriol increases risk of
Trisomy 18/21
what is effacement
shortening of cervix
what is IUFD
intrauterine fetal demise
marginal vs placental previa
marginal: age of placenta meets rim of cervical os
Partial: placenta over part of os
care for Ultrasound
full bladder, 3-4 bottles of water, turn screen towards mom, bathroom avail immediately
first step of stage 3
stop pit first
post op pain relief meds
Duramorph, toradol
covert vs concealed abruption
covert- brown/ red bleeding
concealed- no blood
if BPP is 6
it is equivocal, repeat in a week
most common cause uterine hemorrhage
full bladder
Fetal risks of post term labor
shoulder dystocia, aging placenta (circulation), meconium aspiration
when do we give rhogam
28w, 72 hrs post partum
low MAFP
down syndrome
when does mucous plug disengage
dilation of cervix
DC instructions for CS
no driving or heavy lifting 2 weeks, OB apt in 2 week, no tampon/ douche/tub 6 wk, infection teaching
s/s ectopic preg
pos preg but absence of s/s
missed menses, LQ tendermess, full feeling in abd, shoulder pain,
five variables assessed in biophys profile
breathing, gross body movements, fetal tone:flexion/extension, reactivity, amniotive fluid vol ( one or more pockets measuring 2 cms)
Cardinal movements of labor
engagement, descent, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, expulsion
dosage for pit
start at 1 mU/min, inc by 1-2 mU/min q15 min