Poll Book Drama
Voters, Visitors & Security
Election Day Forms
Ballots & Machines
This & That
Provisionals & SDR's

If a voter presents an expired driver's license, what do you do?

Nothing, you may still accept an expired DMV-issued driver's license 


What is the radius that prohibits campaigners from entering? 

40 foot radius


What form is filled out if a voter comes in and no longer wants to be mailed an absentee ballot?

Permanent Voter Absentee Cancelation Request


What you do if a person is issued a ballot but leaves without casting it?

Void ballot


Voters in Virginia can cast a ballot during what hours on election day?

6:00 am-7:00 pm


If a voter arrives at the polling place on election day without their mail-in ballot, how would they vote?



What do you do if a voter is not listed in the poll book?

Perform a county-wide search to make sure the person is registered, if the voter is in the wrong precinct give them the correct precinct info, if the voter is not in the system call the GR


Once the polls have closed, doors are locked and paperwork has started, what do you do if someone other than the Election staff is in the building?

Nothing, that person must stay until all post-election duties have been completed 


Two copies of this form are used to record information such as voting machine serial numbers and the number of ballots used, and all election officers are required to sign them, what is this form called? 

Statement of Results (SOR)

If a ballot is rejected by the tabulator, ask the voter to rescan it. If it is rejected again because it was miss marked, what should you do?

Spoil the ballot and have voter mark a new ballot


What time should poll workers arrive on election day?

5:00 am


If a voter does not have an I.D. and declines to complete an I.D. Confirmation Statement what reason code would you select on the provisional envelope?

Reason code #7


If a voter comes in and hands you their I.D. and you notice that the address on the I.D. does not match what is listed in the poll book, what do you do? 

Nothing, the address on the I.D. does not neet to match, however, the verbal address they give must match what is in the poll book

A voter complains that you are infringing on their constitutional rights when you ask for a form of I.D., how do you handle this?

Notify the chief immediately, explain it is required by law, and give them an I.D. confirmation statement to fill out


What information is recorded on the Ballot Officer's Report?

Spoiled ballots, voided ballots, provisional ballots, # of ballots left from opened packages, # of unopened packages of ballots


There are three bins inside the tabulator where ballots can be stored, what are these called?

Holding/emergency bin, ballot bin, write-in bin


By law what amount of time can a candidate be inside the precinct?

10 minutes


What envelope do you store all SDR's and Provisional packets?

Envelope #1A


If a voter comes in and has voted next to their name what does that mean and how do they vote?

Absentee Ballot has been marked , they may vote a provisional ballot


Your friend comes into the precinct and is excited to see you and wants to start talking about the current election, what do you do?

Kindly explain to them that you must stay neutral in the polling precinct and cannot discuss politics


What are 4 examples of an I.D. that may be used to check in a voter

Driver's license, voter I.D. card, military I.D. card, U.S. passport, employer-issued I.D., any government-issued I.D., valid student I.D., current bank statement, utility bill, government check or paycheck with name and current address listed


What is the difference between a Spoiled vs. Voided ballot?

spoiled is replaced, voided is not replaced


What are the four stations that make up the responsibilities and duties of an election officer?

Electronic poll book, ballot officer, privacy booth, ballot scanner


If a voter comes in and states they moved to Nelson County 9 months ago and never registered to vote but would like to vote in the current election what would be the next steps?

Send them to the chief, verify I.D. and residency, give them the SDR form to vote provisionally


What are the questions you ask from voter after accepting their I.D.?

State their name and their current resident address, 


What is the process if a voter calls and states they would like to vote via an outside poll?

2 staff walk out to the vehicle and retrieve the voter's I.D. Have the voter state their name and address, scan the I.D. in the EPB, and put the voter's ballot in the privacy folder, take the folder to the voter and let them fill out a ballot, bring the ballot to the tabulator and scan the ballot, make sure to bring voter their sticker


What are 5 forms/items that must be signed by all Officers of Election?

Officer of Election oath, both copies of Statement of Results (SOR), yellow printed return sheet, envelope #3 (voted ballots), and zero tapes


Before you completely shut the tabulator down, what is the most important thing to do?

Make sure you have printed the correct number of tapes


Your polling place has too few officers of election on hand at the time of the polls opening. What do you do

Contact the General Registrar and proceed to open polls at the normal time