
This course introduces students to the art program and provides them with an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design while sampling various disciplines such as painting, sculpture, print making and crafts.

Intro to art


Concert Band is study of various music styles, history and theory through classroom rehearsals and public performances. The Morgan Band will perform in a concert setting at least three times during the school year. The Morgan Band also participates in the Clinton Memorial Day Parade. These four performances are mandatory for members of the band. Some solo opportunities may be available; auditions may be required at the discretion of the director. Students wishing to participate in extracurricular instrumental or band activities need to be members of the Morgan Concert Band



This introductory course is designed to give students the technical know–how to pursue both the Graphic Communication Sequence and/or the Audio/Video Communication Sequence. Students will gain the “Design” knowledge necessary for content creation, with an eye towards the various “Distribution Methods” (Digital Imaging, Graphic Design and Motion Graphics) for television news broadcast, video production, Web and Commercial Printing. Students will also learn about the various distribution methods and produce a Digital Portfolio (DVD) of their work.

Intro to comm


Students will learn the systematic methods of keeping records, both in business and for personal use. The complete accounting cycle is studied for both a service and merchandising business.



An introduction to basic concepts and areas of environmental concern and how these problemscan be effectively addressed. Topics include humanpopulation, ecological principals, conservation of biological resources, biodiversity, croplands, rangelands, forestlands, soil and water conservation, pollution and water management, and wildlife andfisheries conservation.

ECE environmental


Students receive instruction on the important basics of drawing and painting such as contour line, shading, perspective, composition and color theory. Students will use pencil, ink, watercolor, tempera paint, acrylics and pastels to create portraits, still life, landscape and abstract art work.

Drawing and painting


Participation in the Morgan Chorus will provide basic technical knowledge of vocal production and exposure to a wide variety of choral repertoire. The Morgan Chorus will perform in a concert setting at least three times during the school year as well as at the Morgan Commencement Ceremonies. These four performances are mandatory for members of the Chorus. Some solo opportunities may be available; auditions may be required at the discretion of the director. Students wishing to participate in extracurricular vocal activities need to be members of the Morgan Chorus.



In Digital Imaging I, students photograph images using DSLR cameras. Fundamental principles of digital photography and photography editing are explored. Students learn key composition techniques, features of the DSLR cameras, lighting basics and digital editing using Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop. All images are added to an individualized Communications Digital Portfolio (a Google Site).

Digital imaging


This is a semester computer course that will improve students’ digital literacy skills. Students will useMicrosoft Office Suite applications to produceauthentic projects and real life applications.

Business applications


Pro- cesses governing the geology, circulation, chemistry and biological productivity of the world’s oceans. Emphasis on the interactions and interrelationships of physical, chemical, biological and geological processes that contribute to both the stability and
the variability of the marine environment. Laboratoryexperiments, hands-on exercises, and field obser-vations. Students will participate in field trips and a required long-term research project.

ECE Marine Science


Form, balance and tension are characteristics of sculpture that students will become acquainted with as they try additive and subtractive methods. Students will use wire, papier Mache, plaster, clay, stone and wood. Emphasis will be on personal expression and problem solving.



Rock Band class is for students who play guitar (acoustic and/or electric), bass, drums & keyboards. Class time will be primarily large and/or small group rehearsals broken up with lectures and demonstrations involving contemporary technique, theory, timing, improvisation, reading, rock history, how to practice, and how to listen. Music will be selected by the instructor as well as the students from simple rock songs of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s & 90’s (as well as a little folk, blues, country, pop & reggae).

Rock Band


Students with experience in Intro to Communications will work both individually and as a team to produce a variety of projects. Projects will build upon knowledge and skills learned in the Digital Imaging sequence or similar experience. Projects will include the following; Typography, Logo Design, Package Design, Travel Brochures, Restaurant Menus, Concert Posters, Board Games, Magazine, Web Page Layout, and designing for video still graphics. Each student will create a digital portfolio of their completed projects.

Graphic design


This course will provide a foundation for students to develop the skills necessary to build a small business. Students will use and expand innovative thinking skills, problem solving skills, analytical skills, and managerial skills during this project based learning course.



Forensics is an investigative science and technology course. Students will learn how to observe, collect, analyze and evaluate evidence found at crime scenes.Some of the many topics covered are fingerprint analysis, hair and fiber comparison, serology andcrime scene analysis. The culmination of the course will include the analysis of a crime scene.

Forensic science


Students are given more complex sculpture assignments and will be expected to apply the concepts learned in their previous sculpture class to create original artwork.

Advanced sculpture


Explore Rock & Roll from its earliest beginnings to the present day. This course will examine the evolutionof Rock & Roll and it’s significance from musical,historical, social, and political developments. Classes will be organized around lectures, recordings, videos, group discussions, activities and projects.

History of rock and roll


This course is designed to give journalistic and technical knowledge of LIVE and prerecorded studio broadcasts. Students not only learn how to write their own television news broadcast, but they present newscasts live, streaming episodes to The Daily Dog Pound Youtube Channel.

Live broadcast


This course is designed to give students valuable insight into the fundamentals of managing and investing their money. Topics addressed in this course are employment and career development, banking, consumer credit, debt management, investments,budgeting, the finances of housing, taxes, andinsurance. To further enrich students in the topicsdiscussed, a computer simulation that reflects realmarket conditions is used to reinforce the curriculum and to give students a better understanding of what is to come outside of high school.

Personal finance


This advanced biology course will expand the majorthemes presented in the first year of biology. Thecourse is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory course for biology majors. The two main goals of AP Biology are to help students develop a conceptual framework for modem biology and to help students gain an appreciation of science as a process.

AP Biology


This class is designed for serious and self- motivated students who would like to further his/ her study of drawing and painting or sculpture. Each student will choose assignments that best meet his/her individual needs as practicing artists.

Advanced art portfolio


This semester course is designed for students with no previous guitar experience.

Beginning guitar


This introductory course is designed to give an overview of engineering concepts for the STEM sequence. Topics covered will include: Design Process, Computer Aided Drafting using SolidWorks, lab/shop safety, engineering challenges, 3D printing, and CNC. Students will also explore engineeringprinciples and careers in the engineering field. Thiscourse will introduce students to the engineering basics required for other engineering courses.



Create your own class with a teachers help

Independent study


This course will focus on learning about the human body from the simple macromolecules to the complex systems that help us function as an organism. Students will learn the structure and function of the major organs and organ systems.

Anatomy and PHYSIOLOGY