Political Parties
Running for President
Electoral Votes
General Trivia

Each state has 2 members in this house of Congress

What is the Senate?


What is the name of the political party our current president belongs to?

What is the Democratic Party?


This is the first step in running for President of the United States

What is declare my candidacy?


The number of electoral votes needed to win the election

What is 270?


Most states are winner take all when it comes to electoral votes, but these 2 states allow candidates to split electoral votes

What are Maine and Nebraska?


The number of representatives in this house of Congress is based on the population of each state

What is the House of Representatives?


The name of a major political party in the United States, Trump and JD Vance. 

What is the Republican Party?


Before I receive my party's nomination I must first win this election

What is the primary election?


This state has the most number of electoral votes of all the states

What is California?


This president has a memorial dedicated to him for saving the Union. He was also the first Republican in the oval office.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


When you add the number of Senators and Representatives your state has it is equal to the number of _________________ votes your state gets in the presidential election.

What is an electoral vote?


Name one of the independent political parties that exist in the United States

What is the Green Party (Constitution, Libertarian, Communist, Tea, etc...)


When running for president I may tour the country and give speeches, participate in debates, and run ads on TV and radio. This process is called________

What is campaigning?


The state of Arizona has this number of electoral votes

What is 11?


The election of 2000 had some controversy in this states where one candidate called for a recount of the votes

What is Florida?


This candidate won the 2016 election but lost the popular vote. 

Who is Donald Trump?


President Obama was a member of this political party

What is the Democratic Party?


If I receive my party's nomination I will run in the general election held in this month

What is November?


The total number of electoral votes is 538. 100 of those come from the number of US Senators and 435 come from the number of US representatives. The other 3 votes are awarded to this district that has no political representation in Congress

What is Washington DC?


This candidate won the election of 2000

Who is George W. Bush?


Which house of Congress determines the winner of a presidential election if no candidate gets the required number of votes?

What is the House of Representatives?


The elephant is the symbol of this political party

What is the Republican Party?


After citizens have cast their vote the President will be determined when this group of delegates meets to cast their votes

What is the Electoral College?


The minimum number of states a candidate could win and still become President of the United States?

What is 11?


The first Democratic president, his opponents coined the party's symbol after him.

Who is Andrew Jackson?