Definition: To push away
Term: Repel
What happens when you rub a balloon on your head?
The friction between the balloon and your hair creates static electricity. The balloon becomes a negative charge and your hair becomes a positive charge
What is the name of the charges?
Hint: Not repel and attract but + and -
Positive and Negative Charges
Definition: To pull toward
Term: Attract
What happens when you put two charged balloons next to each other?
The balloons push away from one another.
Would the result be different if you rubbed a balloon on someone’s head with short and long hair?
No. Static is made from the friction of rubbing the balloon on a persons hair. The length of the hair would have no affect on the result.
Definition: A force between two moving objects that slows them down.
Term: Friction
What would happen if you put a negative and positive charge by each other? (use scientific terms)
Since it is a negative and positive charge, it would attract to one another.
What is a scientific term for the word Prediction?
Definition: The property of matter that causes electricity.
Term: Electrical Charge
What would happen if you put a negative and negative charge by each other? (use scientific terms)
Since the charges are both negative, they would repel from one another.
How does friction and static electricity go hand in hand?
Friction creates static. Friction is when you rub two objects together. But when you use friction with a ballon, by rubbing the ballon against somebody hair, it creates static electricity.
Definition: The build-up of an electrical charge on a material.
Term: Static Electricity
Explain how attract and repel relate to the term charges.
Attract and repel relates to the term charges because charges are always have a positive or negative charge.
When two charges that are both negative (or both positive) come in contact they repel from one another.
When two charges have different charges, like one positive and one negative. They attract to one another.
A dryer sheet