Static electricity builds up easily in these types of materials, as charges have a hard time flowing
This type of non-commutative multiplication deals with vectors, the direction of which can be found with the right hand rule
Cross product
Magnetic field lines must always originate at this pole
Kirchhoff's Junction Rule states that this relationship must be true for current at a junction
Increasing the number of turns in the coil of an electromagnet will also have this effect
Increasing the strength of the electromagnet
Despite lacking in current, the spark discharged from a Van de Graaff generator is dangerous due to high levels of this
The counterclockwise spin of a copper wire loop on a simple motor means the torque must be in this direction
The concentration of field lines passing through an area is known as this
Flux density
In series
This material will strengthen an electromagnet most when placed in its core
The combs in a Van de Graaff generator are an application of this principle regarding accumulation of charge
Electrons accumulate at sharp points
On the following diagram of an electron moving through a magnetic field, this vector quantity and it's direction have not been included
Downwards electrostatic force
Other than a charge, this may also produce an electric field
A changing magnetic field
Electrons in a circuit flow in this direction
Negative to positive
A strong magnetic field may have this effect on a ferromagnetic material
It will magnetize it
This series ranks materials by how much they tend to give or take electrons from other materials
Applying the right hand rule to a solenoid, your thumb will point in the direction of this
The north pole
The unit for magnetic flux density is this
In the US, AC power is typically at this frequency
Heating up an iron magnet will cause this change in its magnetic properties
It's magnetism will lower
This change in an electroscope is induced when a charge is introduced near it, but will only stick around if the charged object touches it
The leaves will seperate
A wire in an external magnetic field going into the page will have conventional current moving in this direction if the force exerted is to the left
Gauss's Law for Magnetism states that net magnetic flux through a Gaussian shape is always 0. In simpler terms, there are none of these
Magnetic monopoles
As a resistor heats up, current through the resistor changes in this way
The alignment of these regions in ferromagnetic materials causes them to be magnetic