Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Uses of Electromagnetic Waves 1
Sources and Energy of Electromagnetic Waves
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

 Is a wave that can travel through empty space and through matter.

What are electromagnetic waves?

Pg 601


Is a low frequency, low energy electromagnetic waves that has a wavelength longer than about 30 cm. 

What is a radio wave?

Pg 610


An electromagnetic wave that a radio or television station uses to carry its sound or image signals.

What is carrier wave?

Pg 616


Earth's most important energy source. 

What is Sun?

Pg 604


Is the class of physical attributes that occur through a magnetic field.

What is Magnetism?

Pg 603


Energy that is carried by an electromagnetic wave.

What is radiant energy?

Pg 601


Is a low frequency, low energy electromagnetic waves that has a wavelength between 1 mm and 30 cm.

What is a microwave?

Pg 610


Is a change in the amplitude of a carrier wave. 

What is Amplitude modulation?

Pg 616


Catches radio waves and turns them into electrical signals feeding into something like a radio or television or a telephone system.

What is a radio antenna?

Pg 615


Is an interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge.

What is Electromagnetism?

Pg 603


A barrier around an electromagnetic wave.

What is forcefield?

Pg 602


Is an electromagnetic waves that has a wavelength shorter than a microwave but longer than light.

What is a infrared wave?

Pg 610


A phone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without physical connection to a network.

What is a cell phone?

Pg 617


An outdoor fire for warmth and cooking.

What is a campfire?

Pg 605 


Consists of waves of the electromagnetic field, which propagate through space and carry momentum. 

What is Electromagnetic radiation?

Pg 603


Surrounded by an electric field that moves up and down.

What is an electric charge?

Pg 602


Is an electromagnetic wave that has a slightly shorter wavelength and higher frequency than light carries enough energy to cause chemical reactions.

What is ultraviolet?

Pg 611


A type of radiation that is emitted by objects possess heat and are releasing that heat.

What are infrared waves?

Pg 618


A device to convert electricity into light, consisting of a source of illumination.

What is light bulb?

Pg 605


Waves that can be reflected, refracted, diffracted , and produce patterns.

What is Transverse waves?

Pg 603


Is a high energy electromagnetic wave with a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than all other types of electromagnetic waves.

What is gamma ray?

Pg 611


Is a high energy electromagnetic wave that has a slightly shorter wavelength and higher frequency than an ultraviolet wave.

What is X-ray?

Pg 611


An artificial object in space used to send out television and radio signals around the earth's surface.

What are Communication Satellites?

Pg 618


Redding and inflammation in severe cases and peeling of skin caused by the ultraviolet waves.

What is sunburn?

Pg 605


A particular wave of Electromagnetic radiation that has a frequency. 

What is Wavelength?

Pg. 603